Douglass & Runger - January 2025

2820 Summer Oaks Drive Bartlett, TN 38134 901-388-5805


1 The Keys to Learning, Leading, and Growing Together 2 Lighthouse Parenting: Illuminate the Path to Independence and Resilience INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Is Your Operating Agreement Up to Date?

3 Crafting Contracts for Success Citrus Olive Oil Cake 4 Guide for Finding a Lost Pet

Lost Your Pet? Tips to Find Your Animal Friend search every room and area of your house: your basement, crawl spaces, closets, cabinets, bedrooms, and garage. Failing that, check with your neighbors. In most cases, pets stay within a reasonable distance from home. CONTACT AUTHORITIES Your next step should be to call all relevant authorities in your area. If you are on vacation or traveling with your pets when they go missing, using Petfinder can help you locate local shelters. Call your local animal shelters, animal control officers, and veterinarian offices to report your animal missing. Program their numbers into your phone to make the back-and-forth easier and stress-free. LOST PET POSTER Lastly, you should create flyers and posters featuring a recent photo of your missing pet. These should feature the name, breed, and notable features of your missing pet and your contact information should anyone need to reach you concerning its whereabouts. If you are proactive, your chances of reuniting with your missing pet are high.

Our pets are one of the great constants in our lives. They are always ready to support us after a hard day with warm companionship and slobbery kisses. However, despite our best efforts to keep them corralled while we are away, they can go missing. Losing a pet is a stressful experience. However, not all is lost. After getting lost, over 90% of dogs are found alive, and nearly 20% return home of their own accord. And for cats, in about 90% of cases, they are lost an average of 5–7 days before being found or making their way home. Here are some simple steps you can take to help your animal companions return home safely. SEARCH YOUR LOCAL AREA It may seem obvious, but searching your immediate area is important when your pet goes missing. Make sure to thoroughly

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