New Perspectives

A Better Kind of High Vincent Williams vowed to be sober, New Perspectives helped him keep his word

EDITORIAL 2 Vincent Williams has been arrested 43 times, but convicted only once. Legal problems were a constant in his life due to his addictions to crack cocaine, methamphetamine, PCP and marijuana. After that lone conviction, awaiting sentencing inside a county jail cell, Williams surrendered. “I fell to my knees and gave my life to Jesus Christ,” says Williams. Williams hit bottom. He vowed to become and remain sober. “That power came in and stripped me. I haven’t taken another drug since,” says Williams. When it came time for sentencing, Williams received two years probation and the requirement to get treatment from New Perspectives Behavioral Systems multicultural treatment center.

“I can encourage (clients) and let them know, ‘Hey, I was a 27-year addict on hard drugs, this is the way we do this.’ ” -Vincent Williams, New Perspectives former client 12

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