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Teen Substance Abuse Research Funding is Steadily Increasing O

NIH Research On Adolescents A substantial contributor to the upward trajectory of teen substance use research is the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In September 2015, the organization launched a study on substance use and the adolescent brain called the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study (ABCD). The research, part of what the NIH calls a landmark study in teen substance use, awarded 13 grants to research institutions around the country. ABCD follows approximately 10,000 children who have yet to use any drugs, beginning at the age of either nine or 10, through the period of highest risk for substance use and other mental health disorders. Researchers will document exposure to nicotine, alcohol and marijuana as well as academic achievement, cognitive skills, mental health and brain structure and function using what the NIH has determined to be advanced research methods. rganizations like the National Institutes of Health have been steadily increasing research attention and funding for teen substance abuse prevention and treatment. This trend has fostered an expansion of this specific area of youth services to end early drug initiation during the highest risk period for an adolescent's life, according to the Chronicle of Social Change.

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