Never Too Late - September/October 2023


By Maddy Bynes, Special to Never Too Late Legislative Wrap Up & Moving Forward Federally

recover that $2 million, but gain an additional $3 million for vital services - totaling $5 million. In addition to this $5 million, we also joined our partners from around the state to advocate for new funding for urgent housing assistance for older adults. It is through these efforts that the Area Agencies on Aging received a one-time allocation of $5 million to specifically address these urgent housing related needs for older adults. We are so fortunate to have your advocacy that resulted in a net increase of $8 million to Area Agencies on Aging this year, of which PCOA customarily receives approximately 15%. Now, we hope your advocacy will continue through to our federal partners as well. But, before we advocate for additional funding federally, please take a moment to thank your legislators for their generous support of Area Agencies on Aging by visiting today! Turning to our federal policy priorities, we continue to work with our Members of Congress to advocate for increased funding for the Older Americans Act. This year we have both a unique challenge and an unprecedented opportunity for innovation. Over the past several years, PCOA and our Area Agency on Aging partners around the state have received funds from the federal government for COVID-19

On July 31st the Arizona Legislature officially wrapped up its legislative session. Though the Arizona State Budget was adopted months ago and the new fiscal year started in July, Arizona’s legislature remained in session to deal with other potential legislation. Many people saw this extended legislative session as an ideological struggle between the Republican controlled legislature and the Democratic controlled executive. This dynamic controlled the session and elongated the time that the legislature spent debating important issues. Aging services won out in this legislative session, in addition to funding the Area Agencies on Aging, the legislature also provided additional funding for Alzheimer’s related services and research and provided significant funding to the Housing Trust Fund to increase affordable housing stock in the state. With your help and advocacy, the Area Agencies on Aging had landmark success this year! At the beginning of the session, the Area Agencies on Aging were looking at a $2 million decrease in funding from the year prior. Through dedicated advocates like you, and through hard work of Area Agencies on Aging throughout the state, we were not only able to

response. These funds were one-time funds but have lasted several years. Unfortunately, these response funds will expire in September of 2024, leaving Area Agencies on Aging with a large and abrupt decrease in funds, which we refer to as the funding cliff. In addition to this funding cliff, Congress is discussing potential budget cuts. We strongly oppose cuts to funding that helps the most vulnerable among us. We need YOUR help! Ensuring we at least keep the funding we have is going to take work and advocacy from us all. Please visit and click “take action” today to write to your Members of Congress asking them to please help keep the Area Agencies on Aging stable in funding and service delivery.

September/October 2023, Never Too Late | Page 29

Pima Council on Aging

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