King's Business - 1917-05





T HE Bible Institute of Los Angeles desires to put a miniature Lighthouse, in the form of a savings bank, in homes, churches, Sunday Schools and in the hands of generous people, where deposits may be made to the credit of the Sailors’ Fund. The bank is here shown full size. It is neat, ornamental and novel, and will at once attract attention and invite contribu­ tions wherever placed. The appeal is made for a regular monthly contribution of 50 cents or more. Fifty cents will supply one or two Bibles, or five Moody Books (30 sermons by D. L- Moody, R. A. Torrey, and others) ; or 10 Chinese New Testaments; or 12 Eng­ lish New Testaments; or 12 Japanese New Testaments; or 25 English Gospels of John; or 200 or more clear Gospel tracts. One dollar will supply two lumber ves­ sels with three books each (15 to 18 ser­ mons), 12 Gospels and one tract for each of fifty men; or two large Japanese freight­ ers (90 men) with 90 Gospels and a few tracts; or twenty Chinese, or twenty-five Japanese New Testaments, fp$j passengers on their way to South America. As a lover of men, concerned for their spiritual welfare, you would be interested and gratified to hear the story of the light house work in Los Angeles and San Fran­ cisco Harbors, for which the Seamen’s Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is responsible. With the blessing of God, we hope to extend it until every important port on the Coast is a center whence “The Light of the World” shall warn the sailor, and invite him from the perilous sea of sin to which he is aban­ doned, into the harbor and refuge of God’s peace. In our cosmopolitan ports every day is a Pentecost. “Men out of every nation

under heaven” (Acts 2:5) are Providen­ tially present to challenge obedience. The world to' which we are told to “go” is brought to our doors. Men from all parts of'the United States, from Alaska to the gulf; from Canada, Central and South America; from Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark, England, France," Spain, Portugal, Holland, Greece, Russia and Italy, are at our door and can be reached with the Gospel. A lighthouse and pamphlet will be sent postpaid to all persons who write the Bible Institute for them. Secure one for your­ self and interest others in your church or community in doing likewise. Speak to your Sunday sphool superintendent with a view of having the bank used for birth­ day gifts to the Seamen’s Fund; lay the plan before your Young People’s society, Missionary society, Bible class, men’s brotherhood, and other organizations. --------0-------- Mission W ork iq Seattle A N interesting note from H. J. Ranton ^^•reports the establishment of a success­ ful Rescue Mission and Sunday school in Seattle. He is full of thanksgiving to God and of joy in the work. Meetings are held on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Eight apparently genuine conversions occurred during the first month. Street, meetings are held; the tough element has shown approving interest and been led' to listen to the good news. Brother Ranton has shown tactful discretion, and , several instances of successful interviews with souls, which were backed up by practical Christian philanthropy, testify to his devo­ tion and self-sacrificing spirit. Remember him and his work. His address is No. 2400 First Ave., Seattle, Wash.

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