$100,000 winners
A good cop story When Jacques Lafla mm e said he was calling it quits, a lot of people had the sa m e reaction: “He is al m ost the sa m e age as m e! He is too young to retire.”
Increased accountability is always a good thing, however, the dark side of the hu m an condition tends to get m ore play than the positive side. “Police presence”need not have a nega- tive connotation. That has been the at- titude the Hawkesbury detach m ent has adopted since Inspector Bryan Mackillop took over as co mm ander about two years ago. “We want to go fro m being reactive to being proactive,”Mackillop often says. While like everything else, policing has changed dra m atically in the last 35 years, a throwback to the proverbial “cop on the beat” still has its place in our hopped-up, wired world. “Everyone is always busy,”Lafla mm e ob- serves. “But officers should take the ti m e once in a while to get out of their cruiser and just talk to people.” One of the other things they do not teach in police college is the i m portance of knowing where m otorboats are stored. Years ago, Lafla mm e was dispatched to the Ottawa River in Hawkesbury. So m e duck hunters were in trouble. Their boat was taking on water. There was no police m arina unit around. Ti m e was running out. Lafla mm e contacted Yvon Lacelle, the m innow m an. “We got his boat and went out and rescued those guys. Yvon Lacelle saved people on the river at least twice. He deserves a m edal.” During his last week on the job, one of the ite m s Lafla mm e had on his “Things to do” list was to drop by and see for m er Hawkesbury Police Depart m ent chief Maurice Durocher. “I wanted to thank hi m for hiring m e.” A pretty classy gesture by a classy guy. At 55, Lafla mm e is obviously far too young to put up his feet and do nothing. He is considering starting a second career as a teacher. He would indeed m ake an excellent instructor, sharing his experi- ence and providing those valuable les- sons you will never learn in a classroo m .
Yes, it is hard to believe, but the veter- an Hawkesbury Ontario Provincial Police detach m ent officer hung up the badge October 11, capping a 35-year career. Ti m e sure does fly by when you are doing so m ething you love. And Lafla mm e was one of those fortu- nates who really loved his job. As he said during an interview pub- lished in a recent edition of the Tribune- Express, the law can be enforced with a co m passionate hand. He beca m e a police officer because he wanted to help people and m ake a difference. Granted, those goals m ay see m to be a tad precious, cliché or totally unattain- able. But m ost people who encountered Lafla mm e will re m e m ber hi m as being a good cop, an approachable guy who didn’t allow the unifor m beco m e a barrier between hi m and the people he was to serve and protect. It helped that he was a local. The L’Orignal native knew al m ost everyone, including victi m s of cri m es and accidents, the usual suspects and the assort m ent of individuals who just needed a little guid- ance or a sy m pathetic ear. A m azingly, Lafla mm e does not appear to be cynical or jaded. Civilians have no clue about the situa- tions police officers, and others who work on the “front lines,” m ust deal with on a daily basis. When authorities get widespread at- tention, it is usually the result of a contro- versial, and often tragic, action taken by a police officer. You can spend a lifeti m e watching the m ultitude of videos show- ing cops behaving badly. Everyone is un- der unprecedented scrutiny these days since everyone is equipped with portable recording devices.
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Frank and Donald Webber, of Hawkesbury, have good reasons to smile after win- ning $100,000 while playing Encore in the September 27 LOTTO MAX draw. The winning ticket was purchased at Your Independent Grocer on Cameron Street in Hawkesbury. Un champignon géant
Laurier Pharand a eu une agré- able surprise alors qu’il se promenait dans une forêt sur la montée Lemieux à Sainte- Anne-de-Prescott d e r n i è r e m e n t -- un gros cham- pignon mesurant environ un pied de diamètre. Bien qu’il prétend être prêt à le mager, il lui faudra d’abord faire cuire la spore avant qu’il puisse la savourer.
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Bertrand Castonguay , President, bertrand@eap.on.ca Roger Duplantie , D.G. / G.M., roger@eap.on.ca François Bélair , Sales & Development, fbelair@eap.on.ca François Legault , Directeur de l’information/News Editor, francois.legault@eap.on.ca Yvan Joly , Sales director (Hawkesbury), yvan@eap.on.ca François Leblanc , Directeur (Lachute), francois.leblanc@eap.on.ca Gilles Normand , Production & Distribution Mgr., gilles.normand@eap.on.ca Julien Boisvenue , Layout & Prepress Mgr., julien.boisvenue@eap.on.ca
Publié le vendredi par/Published on Friday by : La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par/Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON Bureau Hawkesbury Office: 1100, rue Aberdeen St., Hawkesbury, ON Tel.: 613 632-4155 • Fax.: 613 632-8601 • 1 800 267-0850 Bureau Lachute Office : 52, rue Principale St., Lachute, QC J8H 3A8 Tel.: 450 562-8593 • Fax.: 450 562-1434 • 1 800 561-5738 # convention : 0040012398 Toute reproduction du contenu est interdite à moins d’autorisation écrite au préalable. No content may be reproduced without prior written permission. Avis : En cas d’erreur ou d’omission, la responsabilité du journal ne dépasse, en aucun temps, le montant de l’espace de l’erreur en cause. Attention : In case of error or omission, in no way will the publisher be liable for more than the amount charged for space concerned. Représentation nationale/National representation Sans frais / Toll free : 1-800-361-6890 Nous invitons les lecteurs à nous faire parvenir leurs lettres qui ne doivent pas dépasser 300 mots. Nous nous réservons le droit de les modifier ou de refuser de les publier. L’expéditeur doit inclure son nom, prénom, adresse et numéro de téléphone. Readers are invited to send us their letters that must not exceed 300 words. We reserve the right to modify them or to refuse to publish them. The writer must include their names, address and telephone number.
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Former Champlain Township District 1 Fire Chief Bruce Barton (left) was officially recognized by the province of Ontario during the last regular township coun- cil meeting. Scott Hayes, regional Fire Protection Advisor at the Office of the Fire Marshal and Emergency Management, presented him with a plaque for 45 years of firefighting duty. The OFM also recognized his wife, Bobbie, presenting her with a Trillium-shaped pin. At right is Mayor Gary Barton.
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