Hills Bank Savings Plan for Kids

Sharing time is a great gift to give because it’s free. You could give a wheelchair ride to a nursing home resident who would enjoy an afternoon outdoors. Or, maybe you like animals and could help feed or groom at the local animal shelter.

Give your time, it’s FREE!

Possessions can be shared when you have something of value that another person needs. For example, when you grow out of your clothes, donate them to a homeless shelter.

When you share, you can make someone’s day brighter by helping those less fortunate who may not have what they need, like food, clothes, and a warm bed. Best of all, sharing with others is the right thing to do and it makes you feel great!

Make someone’s day a lot brighter!

• Donate a used book or DVD to your local library • Give clothes or toys you’ve outgrown to the Salvation Army • ...the list goes on! Donate your possessions

• Play bingo with residents at a nursing home • Make a card for someone in the hospital • Read books to or tutor younger kids at school

• Rake leaves in your elderly neighbor’s yard • Grow your hair long, then cut and donate it to Locks of Love or a similar organization

S A V E , S P E N D A N D S H A R E F O R L I F E .


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