King's Business - 1919-01

1 Rea lly Remarkable Remarks i 1 THOUGHTS FOR THE NEW YEAR Don’t make a lo t of resolutions m your own streng th , unless you intend to carry a rep air k it with, you con- , tinually. If th e New Year finds you still in a humble position, don’t fret. It may be th e Master knows w hat a capital plow­ man you are and never means to let you become a reaper, because you do th e plowing so well.

If th is be a year of usefulness, a year in which we shall live to make th is earth better, it: is because God will direct our pathway. How im portant, then, to feel our dependence upon Him! A happy year th is will be to those who th rough every p ath of trial, or up every h ill of difficulty, or over every sunny height, march o n 'in closest fel­ lowship w ith Jesus, and who will deter­ m ine th a t, come w hat may, they have Christ every day. He who has found upon ea rth th e city of his affections, and who w ith every onward step is only advancing tow ard a m ist, may well look upon the New Year’s day as a day of sorrow. W hatever the past year may have m eant to you, make it dead history. Let th e liew Year be a living issue. JEnter it w ith a kind though t for everyone. Your faith h as never yet outstripped th e bounty of th e Lord. T ru st ilim as th e days go by. Resolve th a t your prayers shall no longer be a form b u t a force. We can praise God a t th e beginning • of a New Year th a t th e “ to o t” is being taken ou t of Teuton and the ‘ germ ” out of Germany. I am going to make it my business th is year to tak e all th e cushions out , from under sinners. Remember th a t th e g reat things of - the world have mostly been begun by men w ith enough greatness of soul to do th e little things • as if they were great. Don’t forget th a t your power w ith God w ill be th e rea l gauge of your real power w ith men.

He who is swimm ing securely down th e stream of self-confidence, is in dan­ ger of being drowned in th e whirlpool of presumption. If I have th e power of Christ per­ fected in my weakness, I shall be equal to every tem ptation, competent for every duty, equipped for every struggle, th e m aster of every fear. T h at man will be of th e most use to th e world who makes most use of God and gives him self most freely to God for God’s use. Hem your blessings w ith praise lest they unravel. Cheerfulness greases th e axles of the world. If you would have happiness for your­ self, seek it for others. Christians are no t only to be th e salt of the earth b u t th e sugar. Your prospects are ju st as bright as th e prom ises of God. Of all th e troubles you have had this year, th e g reatest were those th a t never happened a t all. May God save us from being musty, dusty, crusty Christians! If heaven isn’t in you th e chances are you are not on th e way there. I am determ ined to ru n nobody down b u t th e devil and nobody up bu t Christ. Those who see God’s hand in every­ th ing can best leave everything in God’s hand. He who makes God first will find God w ith him a t th e last. The way to see fa rth e r ahead is to go ahead as far as you see.

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