King's Business - 1919-01



T rial of th e M issionary’s F a ith The “ Saunders p arty ,” consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Saunders and twelve Bible In stitu te students, will probably be in China before th is number reaches our readers. They had those varied and in teresting experiences th a t usually come, as a Anal te st of th e ir sincerity, to those who are stepping out into a work of faith. Trouble in getting some of th e passports, trouble w ith d ra ft boards and trouble over the loss of necessary articles— all piled up at th e last moment. When it seemed th a t nearly everything was arranged, and Mr. and Mrs. Saunders w ith th e ir p arty were in San Francisco aw aiting th e sail­ ing of th e ir boat, th e m ilitary au th o ri­ ties in New York sought to hold up Mr. and Mrs. Saunders un til they m ight ascertain if they were of m ilitary value. Only a m idnight p ray er meeting in the hotel brought a quick solution of the problem, and the au tho rities w ired in tim e th a t th e white haired, and almost to tally blind m issionary would no t be held. The hou r came for th e boat to sail and Allyn Cooke had not received his passport. Mr. Cooke had everything in readiness to go, and even th e many prayers offered th a t he m ight get his passport in tim e to sail w ith th e party were no t answered, fo r he was obliged to wave good-bye to his friends, as the tears stream ed down his face. Only coming years may reveal th e wisdom of God’s Providence in th e m atter, but the strange th ing is, th a t soon a fte r the boat was gone his passport arrived in San Francisco— a berth was found for him on ano th er and faster ship for China— and who knows? perhaps he will be on hand to welcome his com­ rades into China. “Oh, th e depth of the riches both of th e wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgm ents, and His ways past finding o u t.” Miss Lily Grace Matheson, graduate of Moody Bible In stitu te, and stud en t

here during the past year, is Religious Work Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. at Toledo, Ohio. The association has over 3000 members. Miss Rose Oliver, 1916, was united in m arriage on October 7th to Mr. Vale A. Bonney a t Salt Lake City. A rthu r F. W itt, whose picture is given herew ith, g radu ated from the Bible In stitu te in 1916. He has since been w ith the American Sunday School Union in N orthern California and has been greatly used of God. He is seen teaching a small boy to read from the

Arthur F. Witt Bible. We can almost imagine th a t he is teaching the lad John 3:16, and get­ ting him to pu t his own name in place of the pronoun. Harold Roberts, 1914, w rites th a t he is now pastor of the F irs t P resbyterian of Neillsyille, Wis. He also has a sec­ ond charge nine miles out. He is being g reatly blessed of God in both churches. A lbert L. Johnson, a form er studen t now in Siang Yang, China, tells of the

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