King's Business - 1919-01



attend s herself b u t she is constantly giving ou t th e tru th s to others. A recent le tte r from a soldier boy who was a member of one of our Bible classes tells of th e joy he experienced as he was sittin g alone on th e beach w ith his Bible, to be approached by ano th er who inform ed him he had a Bible and would like to join him , and la te r ano th er soldier followed th e exam­ ple of th e first, and he says, “Now we are a class of th ree .” This same Bible class member later, while en rou te to an eastern camp, was called on •fo r a speech, and responded w ith a Bible lesson, every member became atten tiv e and reverent, and as he k n elt in the aisle to pray, all th e men in th e car kn elt w ith him. We hope we may have many more such splendid w itnesses from th e Bible classes. She was sitting stra ig h t up in the hospital bed, and she really didn’t look very ill. Such a practical, matter-of- fact little face. The Bible woman paused a m inute to chat, perhaps th a n k ­ ful for th e relief to h er drained sym­ pathies. Almost bluntly it seemed to h er she felt impelled to ask th e most im po rtan t question, “And do you belong to th e L o rd ?” “ I never had anyone ask me th a t before except an old man th e o th er day, and he asked it so funny th a t I had to laugh a t him .” The w orker explained w hat it m eant and read ^ier th e Bible verses, asking “W ill you tak e Him today, as your Saviour?” She was almost sta rtled to have th e d irect reply, “Why yes, I w ill.” She w ent home rejoicing and yet m ingled w ith th e joy was th e feel­ ing th a t it couldn’t be really genuine, it had been so quickly and so simply done. B u t it h ad been genuine and as th e days w ent by it was proved in many ways. She failed very rapidly; one day she was baptised, th e w ard was strang ely quiet and reverent, and ju st a few weeks la ter th e little wasted form

life clearly. Dropping his pen, he lis­ tened eagerly and nodded his head, as he acknowledged certain straigh t-fo r­ w ard statem en ts from th e Book. He saw his need of Christ, saw th a t he could no t expect Christ to own him because he w ent to church, etc., and finally, a fte r a long tim e of m aking th e way very plain to him , he lifted him ­ self up out of his reclining position and said he had now decided to accept Christ and to tru s t in Him. Was it an accident th a t th e w orker came on board ju st a t th a t tim e? No, never. The le tte r he was w riting to his dear mother bad a different ending because the S pirit of God, in answer to prayer, led th e w orker to th is needy soul. P raise God, and le t us keep on pray­ ing.— Oscar Zimmerman, Supt. Evidence th a t God’s W ord Takes Root A young woman who came to Cali­ fornia w ith her m other for h er health, had been under th e influence of a C hristian Science practition er for some tim e b u t one day WORK OF THE h er m other sought BIBLE WOMEN a Bible woman to call upon h er. The young woman was in g reat distress. She was fry ing h ard to accept th e Christian Science ten ets b u t she found she could not give up th e Christ. To h er He was not only divine b u t He was God Himself. The struggle began, and she finally agreed to accept th e Bible p.s th e one au tho rity . Slowly, b u t surely th e Bible woman unfolded to the young woman th e S cripture concerning th e g reat fun­ dam ental doctrines un til she came to see th a t h er salvation was no t by works of righteousness which she h ad done b u t wholly by faith in th e finished work of Jesus Christ. She bought a Scofield Bible and began eagerly to study the Word. There was no more faith fu l stud en t in th e Bible class th a n th is young woman, and now she no t only

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