King's Business - 1919-01



was laid to re st bu t while th e Bible woman’s h ea rt ached over th e separa­ tion she rejoiced th a t th e Holy Spirit had used h er as a channel for His grace and had led her to ask the question th a t only “ one person’’ had ever asked the little patien t before. A young vivacious m other became deeply interested in the Bible and sel­ dom missed a meeting of the class. She said, “ I am brimm ing over w ith question s!” She came to class one day w ith h er questions in w ritten form, in o rder th a t the .answers of th e Bible Woman m ight be “ preserved.” Moving away, from the little beach town to an inland city, she w rote to her former teacher of th e g reat help she had received from the Bible class, and of h er earnest desire for fu rth e r study, saying th a t she had already arranged for th e care of her two babies and was planning to drive h er car to th e nearest class and only waited to know where th e class m ight be found, so eager was she to know more of th e Word of God. A call made in th e course of house to house .visitation on a woman and a young daugh ter as they w atered the fron t lawn would not be productive of definite work for the Lord ordinarily, b u t God is not lim ited. He brings to pass in His own way th e th ing impos­ sible in m an’s thought. Surely th e Holy Spirit has done His work and the Bible Woman has to present th e gospel tru th to find two ready h earts to receive it and “ th ere is joy in heaven over one sinner th a t rep en teth .” F ou r long hou rs’ jou rn ey to teach a class, and th is day th e re were b u t four women, while the num ber seldom ran over six or seven! I was discouraged and questioned much the wisdom of spending th e L o rd ’s tim e so lavishly on so small a number, and yet as I pu t th e question “W hat w ilt Thou have me to do, L o rd ?” I was certain th a t

for His own purpose He would have me continue, and so th e work continued for many months, and today th ere came to me a le tte r from one of th e women who had received a blessing in the class, and which rejoiced my h e a rt and more th a n repaid for all the tim e and labor spent. She writes, F o rty years have I journeyed— all app aren tly wasted, and having th a t b irthd ay last week, I ’ve done much meditating. As fo rty seems a signific­ a n t num ber in sacred history, I want it to be in my life, and I ju st wished I could have you pu t your hands on my head and ask God to give me wis­ dom and zeal and more love— more love. Will you pray for me? I wish I could tell you what you have meant in my life. Oh, I know you p refer th a t I tell it by my life, and th a t, I hope, is telling in some way. But I love you for th e wonderful things you have shown me, and th e joy you have brought into my life. I shudder when I th ink what it m ight have been, had it no t been for your coming into my life, and I ’m thank fu l every day for your sweet m inistry. Not th a t my life is anything yet, b u t I w ant it to be. Mr. H orton told us one day ‘th a t if we were n o t' soul winners, it is because we don’t w ant to be,’ and th a t sank deep.”— Mrs. T. C. H orton, Supt. A Death-Bed Conversion The old saying “ bolted doors cannot keep love o u t” is equally tru e reg ard ­ ing th e “ open door” which God has given us for the spread of the Gospel. Notw ithstanding a 1 1 WORK IN “ flu” restriction s to THE SHOPS which we have been subjected du ring these past six weeks,— all church doors being closed, all shop meetings tabooed, and all visitation work discontinued,__yet the calls have arrived ju st th e same. L etters have made requ est and phones have rung out th e call “ come over and

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