King's Business - 1919-01



in th e church, itself, today, is the- blood of Jesus. •The sprinkled blood proclaimed God’s protection of the fam ily sheltered beneath it. It was placed on th e ou t­ side of the door, where the angel mes- seiiger could see it, not necessarily where the householder could see it. And so we are told th a t Christ appeared in th e presence of God , w ith His own blood. Heb. 9:12, 24. The safety of the fam ily depended no t upon th e race to which they belonged, for an Israelite w ithout th e blood, had no protection. It did not depend upon condition in life. I t did not depend upon personal character. It did not depend upon feeling. It did not even depend on a m an’s faith in th e blood. His safety was wholly dependent on th e blood being sprinkled as God had directed. Of course faith in God’s prom ise and th re a t would lead th e man who believed, to sprinkle the blood, b u t it was a t the blood God looked, ra th e r th a n a t th e faith in it. Christians sometimes get into darkness, through looking a t th e ir faith instead of look­ ing a t th e object of faith, which is Christ, Himself. All the faith the Israelite needed was faith enough to do w hat God bade him do. The blood insured protection for those who, hav­ ing sprinkled th e blood as directed, rem ained in th e house under th e blood. The sprinkled blood was the blood of th e covenant, for God th rough it entered into a covenant relationship w ith those who obeyed. The sprinkled blood was th e blood of deliverance, not only of deliverance from th e death angel, b u t deliverance ou t of Egypt as well. The sprinkled blood was th e blood th a t condemned, for th e neglect of it incu rred the carrying out of th e judg ­ m ent already pronounced. Compare John 3:18. The unbeliever is no t going to be condemned, b u t he is condemned already, and the only deliverance from th e condemnation already resting upon

INTRODUCTION Between th e la st lesson and th is one occur th e nine plagues which God sent upon P haraoh, and upon his people, when perm ission was refused Israel to go and worship Him. LESSON The first of these EXPOSITION plagues probably oc- J . H. H u n ter curred in September a n d .th e la st in June. T h ere worild then be a space of about ten months between th e la st lesson and th is one. A t th e eleventh chapter, which is p a rt of our lesson, is God’s revelation to Moses, of w hat He is going to do, while chapter twelve is th e ful­ fillment of th e revelation, we shall study th e account given in the la tte r chapter. I. The P assover Lamb. It was to be a lamb specially chosen fo r th e purpose, a male and w ithout blem ish. The specifications were God- given, and therefo re man could not deviate from them . The lamb chosen was to be large enough for th e house­ hold, or if too large for one household, a n o th er household m ight sh are it. It was to be selected beforehand and kept se p arate from th e te n th to th e fou r­ te en th day of th e month. The lamb was to be slain, for it was no t by its life, b u t by its death th a t Isra el’s safety should be secured. In verse 21 it is called “ th e passover.” Recall the Golden Text of th is lesson “ Christ, our Passover, is Sacrificed for us.” 1 Cor. 5 :7 . Its blood was to be sprinkled on the two side posts of the door and on the lin tel over th e door. I t was to be sprinkled w ith a bunch of hyssop, an arom atic plant, whose long, straig h t sta lk and leaf made it suitable for the purpose. I t was no t to be sprinkled on th e threshold. The reason for th is will be found in Heb. 10:29. This sprinkled blood proclaimed th e separation of the Hebrew s from th e Egyptians, for the E gyptian had no use for it. The g reat dividing line in th e world, and indeed,

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