King's Business - 1919-01


54 “L et a man come to a realization of him self as a sp iritu al being, and a revo­ lu tion is worked in his life. When a man comes to an understand ing of his divine n atu re, old things pass away, and all th ing s become n ew ; th en a man understand s th a t he is born again, born of th e S p irit!” W hat a con trast be­ tween th is and th e statem en t of the Scripture (Rom. 3:24 -26 ). No v irtu e in th e living lamb, no m at­ te r how spotless. It would be no avail to tie th e lamb to th e doorpost. The redemption of Israel and th e ir safety did no t depend upon th e ir m oral state, nor upon th e ir valuation of th e blood, nor upon th e ir feeling, b u t upon th e blood itself, which was fo r God’s eye. Peace was founded upon God seeing the blood. Man is a sinner, an alien from God’s house, hopeless and helpless; no rig h t­ eousness of his own; no ability to change his n atu re ; no way of securing a new one. God provided a way th rough th e sacrifice of His Son. 1 bow to God’s p la n ;, I accept His Son, whose blood, shelters me and en ter into safety and peace, and w ith loins g irt and staff in hand ta k e up th e pilgrim journey w ith th e prom ise of all needed supplies along th e way, and assurance th a t th e p ath sh ineth more and more unto the perfect day. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) God’s plan of proving H is au th o r­ ity over th e gods of Egypt was by plagues. (2) God’s law is “ obey and be blessed; oppose and be punished.” (3) God i plans, provides and protects, th rough th e blood. (4) God supplies th e remedy for sin, and faith applies it. (5 ) In th e Lamb th e re is both security and satisfaction. (6 ) The pilgrim is in th e devil’s coun­ try. b u t under divine guidance.

(7) The believer is sheltered from judgm ent, safe from th e enemy, separated from Egypt and satisfied w ith his Lord. (8) The pilgrim has his loins girt, ligh ts burning, his feet in th e path th a t leads to 'glory. Blood A tonem ent Necessary. In th e p resen t world w ar a soldier was tak en to a surgeon for an operation on his tongue. The doctor explained to him th a t he would be able to speak after th e operation bu t LESSON he would never be ILLUSTRATIONS able to sing again. W . H . P ik e “Then,” said the soldier, “ le t me sing one song before th e operation.” In a clear voice he began singing “There is a F oun tain F illed W ith Blood Drawn from Imm anuel’s Veins; and sinners plunged beneath th a t Flood, lose all th e ir guilty stain s.” He w ent under the anesthetic and never came back to consciousness in th is world. There is no passing over of judgm ent a p a rt from atoning blood. A man dreamed he was going home. He was very tired and had a heavy b u r­ den to carry. All about him were mountains. Over these he m ust go in order to get to his restfu l home. In his dream he tried again and again to climb over th e one ju st in fron t of him, b u t every tim e he fell back a fte r spend­ ing much stren g th to reach a place p art way up. At la st he lay helpless a t the bottom , completely exhausted. While in th is condition he saw a cross appear on th e m ountain side and somehow realized th a t it was Jesus. He cried out in simple faith , “Lord, help.” In stan tly th e mountains vanished, his burdens lifted and he walked a sh o rt distance to his house. The atoning cross is the gate to mercy. An aged woman, who was rapidly

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