King's Business - 1919-01



approaching eternity, was asked by a visitor on w hat she was resting for her soul’s salvation. H er calm reply was: “On th e so litary dignity of th e Blood of Christ.” W hat a foundation for f a ith ! The dying words of a Swedish mis­ sionary were these: “ I go home on the Blood— no t on my service or any worth in myself, only on th e Blood.” No blood— no rem ission. D eath V anquished in Jesu s’ Death. A fter reading Exodus 12, a fath e r asked one of his fam ily, “Why did the destroyer pass th e blood-sprinkled door of th e Isra elites?” She quickly replied, “Because death had been th e re before.” “Christ died fo r our sins.” If death has visited Him before, and I tak e Him as my Saviour, why should I fear? The Only S h elter is Blood. When John H ambleton years ago whispered into a young lady’s ear a t the close of a m eeting these words: “ I t’s th e Blood you need,” he spoke th e tru th . “F o r though thou wash thee w ith n itre, and tak e thee much soap, yet th in e iniquity is m arked before Me, saith th e Lord God.” “The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” The g reat English preacher, Mr. Spurgeon, tells of an im aginative little g irl living in Egypt on th e n igh t of the passover. H er fath e r p u t h er to bed and she said, “ Is th e Blood on th e door posts, papa?” “Yes,” he said, “ go to sleep.” She woke up a t ten o’clock and called, “Papa, papa, are you su re the Blood is on th e door posts?” He an­ swered, “Yes, I know E liazer is a faith ­ ful servan t and I asked him to dp it, so go to sleep.” At 11:30 she woke again and cried, “ Papa, is th e Blood on th e door posts? Please go and see.” He did go to satisfy th e child and to his h o rro r it was no t there. The servant had forgotten his command. In stan tly he called th e serv an t and th e lamb was killed and th e Blood sprinkled only five m inutes before twelve o’clock. But the

little g irl was safe from judgm en t for she was under the Blood.

v. 2. This shall be th e beginning of months. Thus in principle Jehovah ta u g h t them th a t they were to begin a new era in company w ith Him.— Mc­ Intosh. A m an’s COMMENT PROM life is really of MANY SOURCES no account un til K eith L. B rooks he begins to walk w ith God in the knowledge of full salvation and settled peace th rough th e precious blood of the Lamb.— Sel. v. 3. A lamb fo r an house. A most blessed type of th e Lord Jesu s Christ in H is work (John 1 :29 ; 1 Cor. 5:6-7; 1 P eter 1 :18 -19 ).—-Gaebelein. Each house was th e local expression of the whole assembly gathered around the Lamb. The antitype we have in the whole Church of God g athered by th e Holy Ghost in th e name of Jesus, of which each sep arate assembly should be a local expression.— Sel. v. 6. Keep u n til 14 th day. The lamb taken on th e 10th day and kept un til th e 14th day shows us Christ,, foreordained of God from etern ity , bu t m anifest for us in tim e.— C- H. M. It was to be separated four days before sacrifice, and for th e same length of tim e was Christ under exam ination, and H is spotless innocence declared before th e world.— Jam ieson. Satan did not w an t to have th e Lord Jesu s p u t to death a t th e Passover F east. He knew Jesu s was th e tru e Lamb and trie d to prevent H is death a t th e predicted time (M att. 2 6 :5 ; Mark 1 4 :2 ), b u t th e Pass- over Lamb died a t th e v ery , tim e appointed.— Gaebelein. K ill it. Some abhor th e blood of Christ, b u t like to th in k of H im as th e meek Lamb. The Israelites did n o t tie a meek lamb to th e door-knob, b u t slew th e Lamb.— Torrey. Was not a Lamb, slain for us also? We worship Him who by H is own

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