King's Business - 1919-01



his people to get ready to sta rt on th e ir journey ou t of th e land, fo r He was going to send a g reat sorrow to the king and all his people, because afte r all th is tim e and the many things God had done to sh ow 'th a t He was God, the king would not obey. Moses told his people to kill a lamb, one for each family, and to pu t the blood of the lamb on the posts each side and over th e top of the door to th e ir houses, and then to ro ast the m eat and ea t it together, for th a t night an angel was going to go all th rough th e land, and th e oldest child in each home would die, b u t if th ere was blood on th e door,

Now as I open my Bible le t me see how many can name th e little creatures shown in picture. Yes,

or sheep w ithin.)


a little lamb, and do you know they make such nice pets for children to play w ith because they are so kind and gen­ tle, and never h u rt anybody. I brought th is picture to show you th is morning because we are going to have some lambs in our story for today, for a long, long tim e ago God told the people to kill a lamb, and how some day Jesus was coming to be God’s Lamb, and die

1 i-S passed —

The pass over

would say no. God told Moses to tell th is angel would pass over th a t home and nobody would die. T h at is why th is story is called th e “ Passover” because the angel passed over all the homes where th e blood was on th e door. The people ate th e roasted lamb, so they were strengthened for th e journey they were soon to take. Now Moses and all his people had done ju st as God told them to do, and it is n igh t and every­ body is asleep, and all is very still, when th e angel comes down to see if th ere are any homes w ithout blood on the door posts, bu t as he passed th rough he did no t find a single house w ithout the blood among his people the Jews, but when he came to the houses of th e king

for our sins. Then when they killed the lamb they would th ink of God’s prom ise to send Jesus, and they would ask God to forgive th e ir sins. Now let us bow our heads and ask Jesus to help us remember our story for today. Lesson Story.—W hat did God ask Moses to do for him in our story last week? (Give the intervening events showing how God worked through Moses, emphasizing th e power of God. Especially mention th e rod as it is prom inent later, and such of plagues as would be most fam iliar to children.) Now we have seen how God per­ formed these m iracles, and th e wicked king would prom ise to le t th e people go, and as soon as God took them away, he

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