King's Business - 1919-01

4 THE K I N G VS B U S I N E S S when you take up your daily task; say it when you face your foe; say it when there comes the call for courage ) say it to doubt and distress; say it when there is fear of failure; say it until it shall become a part of the web and woof of your life, and say it all to the glory of the Christ who makes it possible for you to say it. Success comes in cans; failure in can’ts. Say “ I can, through Christ.”—T. C. H.

T h e h a n d o f g o d

Some remarkable editorials have been printed in the Los Angeles Times during the last year, and it is'a pleasure to voice our appreciation of. them. We do not subscribe to all that is said in them, but it is refreshing to find a secular paper sturdy enough to give expression to wholesome Bible truths. In the issue of November 10th, there is an editorial, double column, full page, entitled “ The Hand of Go d , f r om which we take the liberty of quoting the following extracts: “The sun stood still upon Gibeon, and th e moon was stayed, five kings fled and hid themselves in th e cave of Makedah, and the Amorites were delivered unto Joshua. There came also ano th er tim e when th e sea was divided and th e children of Israel passed dry shod between th e walls of the p arted w aters. And, when the hosts of P haraoh followed, th e w aters closed in upon them , engulfed th e ir chariots and swallowed up th e arm ies of the Egyptians, foot, horse and dragoon, to the last man. And upon still a tim e again, am idst th e revelry and the drunken feast, the doom of Babylon was w ritten against th e candlestick on th e plaster of the wall in th e palace of Belshazzar. I t was all very long ago, in the days of old, and th e Hand of God was on th e world. And, things like unto these have happened now, and in every though tfu l mind th e question arises: Is the H and of God upon th e world again? We have th e facts above related from history. They are chronicled in the Bible, which, among other things, is th e best auth en ticated histo ry in existence The statem en ts m ust be tru e. No scholar now disputes th e statem en ts set down in th e Bible, irrespective of his religious beliefs, or w hether he have religious beliefs a t all. It being a perfectly au then ticated fact th a t th ere were times in th e past when God in terfered w ith or directed the affairs of men in th is world, is it not logical to suppose th a t He may well do so again? It is the same old world th a t God flung out of th e hollow of His hand. Man is th e same being of soul and body now th a t He was before th e Pyram ids were builded or Noah set ou t in th e A rk on the vast adventure of th e deluge. Surely th e re is as much reason to suppose th a t the hand of God is, therefore, upon th e world now as in any o ther tim e of th e past. And, if it be tru e, th e least though tfu l man th a t b reathes th e b reath of life today may well be sobered to th e most serious contemplation of th is m anifestation. If it be true, then it m ust also be tru e th a t th ere is a God and th a t He still ru les the world. And, th is being true, every o th er fact of which we have posses­ sion sinks into trifling insignificance. * * * * * I t is far-fetched to liken th e heroic stand of Belgium against Germany in th is w ar to th a t day when th e sun stood still oh Gibeon in order th a t Joshua m ight have more time? And again, even as the sea was parted for the children of Israel, and they passed safely between the parted walls of th e waters, so have the g reat ships passed w ith 2,000,000 Americans th rough mine-sown billows and shoals of deadly sub­ marines, reaching th e shores of F ran ce almost unharm ed and w ith scarcely the loss of a man. It was the boast of Germany th a t we could not land an arm y in Europe to fight against her, and she was well prepared to carry ou t her boast.

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