King's Business - 1919-01



on the rig h t hand and on th e left.— Canne. v. 23. The Egyptians w ent in afte r them . F rom th e darkness caused by th e in tercepting cloud, they may no t have been aw are on w h at ground they were driving.-r—Brown. None so bold as those th a t are blind.— Sel. The ru in of sinners is b rough t on by presump­ tion, which hu rries them into th e pit. — Henry. v. 24. Looked th rough th e p illar and cloud. The Lord will be your rea r guard.— F . B, M. v. 27. Moses stretch ed fo rth his hand. This was no ebb tide. A waving of Moses’ rod dem onstrates th e m iracu­ lous character of th e whole tran sac­ tion.— J. F. & B. v. 28. The w aters retu rn ed . Those who attem p t to im itate fa ith ’s actings will be confounded.—-C . H. M. v. 30. The L o rd saved Israel. The sm ile of God is victory.—W h ittier. Saw th e Egyptians dead. Compare Eze. 32:4, which speaks of th e la te r judg­ m ent on th e same people, and Rev. 19: 17-18, referring to th a t which shall fall upon th e ungodly nations a t th e close of th is age.— Gray. v. 31. Isra el believed th e Lord. Yet they ho sooner tu rn ed away from th e scene of th e ir deliverance and faced th e ste rn realities of th e d esert march th a n they were ready to give way to m urm uring (1 5 :2 4 ; 16 :2 -3 ).— Dum- melow. Sensible mercies, when they are fresh, make sensible impressions, b u t w ith many these impressions soon wear off. While they see God’s works and see th e benefit of them , they fear Him and tru s t in Him.-—M. H. 15:1. Horse and h is rid e r throw n in to th e sea. W hat is your Egypt? Some besetting sin th a t has been your taskm aster for years? W ill you not begin to cherish th e anticipation of a complete deliverance— no t hereafter, in old age, or in heaven, bu t h ere and now— no t because of your resolutions or

strivings or agonies, b u t because you will stand still and see th e salvation of God?— Meyer. Isra el sang th is song. Moses began and ended his career w ith a song. Cf. Deut. 32, which is th e song referred to in Rev. 15:3.— Comp. Bible. There was no singing in Egypt, only sighing and groaning (2 :23 -24 ). — Bullinger. This song is by some 100 years th e oldest poem in th e world. Jam ieson. . How God saved Isra el from a cruel king. Ex. 14:1— 15:21. Memory Verse.— “The Lord saved Israel th a t day ou t of th e hand of Egyptians. Ex. 14:30. Approach.— (Use sand tab le for th is lesson. Form Red Sea of m irror, using two pieces a t end of sea where cross­ ing was made, which makes it easy to show how wall BEGINNERS AND of w ater was PRIMARY formed on each Mabel L. M errill side. Form sand in to m ountains on eith er side of place of encampment. Cover tab le un til proper time. If no tab le use shallow paper box.) Now Jam es you tell me where we le ft Moses and th e Jew ish people in our sto ry la st Sunday, and I will remove th is cover and let you see where they were a t th e tim e of our sto ry for today. Yes, they were m arching away from th e land of Egypt and now (uncover) h ere they are rig h t down by the Red Sea w ith mountains on eith er side of them , and th e cloud th a t was guiding them stopped a t th is place so Moses and th e people camped h ere for a while. A fter our prayer we will see w hat happened to them . P rayer. Lesson Story.— 'The wicked king afte r a few days began to th in k about all those people, and wondered who he would get to do all th e work they had been doing for him, and th en he ordered all his soldiers and ju st hundreds of

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