King's Business - 1919-01

THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S g reatly frightened and began to cry for th e re was th e sea rig h t in fro n t of them and no boats for them to go in, and big mountains on each side, and th e k ing ’s arm y rig h t behind them and w hat in the world could they do. I t looked p retty bad and th ere was no th ­ ing they could do, b u t th e re was some­ th ing God could do, even though it was closed up on all four sides, yet th e re was one way still open, and I believe you can tell me which way was still open. Yes, th e way upw ard toward God was open, and Moses prayed to

64 horses and chariots and sta rted after Moses and the people as fast as the horses could run. These Jew ish people a re also called Israel, and th a t is the nam e, of our story for today, “How God saved Israel from a cruel k ing .” The people of Israel were all in camp one evening, and th e boys and girls were having such a lovely tim e playing down on th e beach, when they heard a g reat noise and looking up they saw th is wicked king and his g reat army and horses and chariots coming rig h t tow ards them . Of course they were

sea. Moses sta rted over th is road th rough th e sea w ith all th e people fol­ lowing w ith th e ir cattle, and who do you suppose sta rted in a fte r them ? Yes, th e king and his army, b u t th e ir chariot wheels came off and they could no t go very fast, and ju st as soon as th e last one of the people of Israël reached the o th er side of th e sea, God told Moses to stretch his rod ou t over th e w ater again, and ju s t as soon as Moses had done th is th e w aters rolled back in g reat waves, covering th is wicked king, all his horses, chariots and soldiers, and they were 'all drowned. Children, was it Moses or his rod th a t made the w aters move, or was it God? Of course it was God, for He is th e only one th a t can do such wonderful things. When the people of Israel saw w hat God had

God, and then Moses told the people no t to be afraid any more, for God was going to fight for them , and then some­ th ing wonderful happened. You remem ­ ber th a t cloud th a t w ent before Israel to show them ju s t where to go, moved back un til it stood rig h t in between th e people ’ of Israel and th e k ing ’s army, and on Isra el’s ,side of th e cloud it was b righ t like fire, making it ligh t so they could see, b u t on th e king’s side of th e cloud it was inky black so they could not see a t all, and in th a t way God kep t the k ing ’s arm y from com ing n ear His people Israel all night. God told Mo@es to go down to th e sea and stretch out his rod over th e w ater, and God made a strong wind blow all th a t night, and the w ater piled up mak­ ing a road rig h t on the bottom of the

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