King's Business - 1919-01



done for them they all began to sing and praise God for saving them from th is wicked king, who could never h u rt them any more. They were surely in a tig h t place, b u t th ere is no place too tig h t for our God to help us put. O w hat happy people we ought to be w ith such a God, for our Saviour, the Lord Jesus is the same God th a t saved Israel th a t day, by making a road through th e sea, and you know Moses today is w ith Jesus up in heaven, and some day every one th a t loves Jesu s will be up th e re too, and do you know w h at I w ant to do some day afte r we all get up there together? Well, I w ant to sit down and let Moses tell us all about these won­ derful times we are hearing about in our stories. How many of you w ant to hear him tell them? Closing P ray er.— Our H e a v e n l y F ath e r we th a n k thee for sueh a loving Saviour th a t can help us in the hard places. NOTICE We reg ret our inability to supply in th is m onth’s issue the lesson for girls, usually w ritten by Mrs. Baldwin. Mrs. Baldwin is unable to continue her de­ partm en t and Miss Clara Silliman, who is to succeed her, was detained by cir­ cum stances from getting copy ready for th is issue. WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES I w rote a book once, called “W hat th e Bible Teaches,” and of course it had my name on th e cover. A couple of youn(g friends were puzzled over some question in the Bible, and were discussing it, when th e ir small child spoke up and said: “Well, why don’t you go and get W hat th e Bible Teaches To rrey ?” T h at’s th e trouble w ith a g reat many people,—rthey w an t to find w hat th e Bible teaches Torrey or anybody else, instead of w hat th e Bible teaches them . Receive it as th e Word of God, and

study it as the Word of God. The Bible is w hat no o ther book is, th e very WORD OF GOD. Here are a few simple ru les for Bible study. (1) Believe every prom ise in it, w ithout discount. Don’t explain it away. (2 ) Obey every command— th a t is, every command th a t belongs to us— not the commands to the Jews. (3) Read it as GOD talk ing to you. “When we pray we are talk ing to God, and when we read th e Bible God is talk ing to us.” God is ready to ta lk to you all th e time, every day. Would you like to have a real talk w ith God? Then get your Bible! (4 ) Read it as in th e presence of God. God is rig h t th e re and saying those things— not a dead book, b u t a Living Person rig h t th e re w ith you. READ IT ON YOUR KNEES.. One of the g reatest blessings I ever had was when I read th e Bible th rough on my knees. The precious Word of God!— Dr. Torrey. GOD REIGNS When Lincoln had been assassinated and word of the tragedy came to New York th e people were in a sta te of m ind which led to violence. A man appeared on th e balcony of one of th e newspaper offices, waving a flag and a clear voice rang' out th e following words: “Fellow citizens, clouds and darkness are round abou t Him. H is pavilion is d ark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. Ju stice and judg­ m ent are th e hab itation of His throne. Fellow citizens, God reig n s!” I t was the voice of Gen. Garfield. T hank God th a t in these days of worse confusion, God’s th rone is no t annihilated. This is th e only safe rock to stand upon when th e clouds are gath ering heavily — th e sure prom ises of God’s Word.

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