King's Business - 1919-01



B ITTER EXPERIENCES There are some b itter experiences in th e C h ristian ’s life th a t are very nec­ essary, and the Word says, “ If need be, ye are in heaviness through m ani­ fold tem p tation s” (I Pet. 1 :6 ). “We need the baptism of tears, the touch of w inter frost, the cold and unkind trea tm e n t of our acquaintances, or our relatives, or our Christian friends. We need the pressure of occas­ ional severity or hard times. We need the h ard words, th e slights, the neg­ lects of our fellow creatures. We need th e buffeting of Satan to bruise th e sweet spices of our affections, in order th a t the delightful odors may exude from us, in o rder th a t we may be rendered mellow and gentle and sub­ missive ' and long-suffering, and thus th e fragrance of God’s grace w ithin us is brought out and scattered on the air. —Watson.

Do you need to drive a stake? Set it up as your seal th a t th e Word is true. There is no difference. Are you ready to believe? If so your sins are gone;, your name is in God’s Book and you can claim all the privileges given you in the Word.— Chas. A. Blanchard, P residen t Wheaton College. USABLE MEN Rev. S tu art Holden of London re­ cently "said: “ It becomes an increas­ ingly solemn conviction to me, th a t God is using every usable man th a t He can g et His Divine hand upon, and th a t to th e very utmost. I believe th a t in th e Divine economy th ere is no room for w aste; and I believe th a t if God is n o t using your life, it is because you a re not usable. If God is no t filling th e vessel w ith His trea su re and then pouring it forth, it is only because the vessel is m arred.

A STRONG COURSE by CORRESPONDENCE Tke Life and Teackings of O ur Lord Dr. R. A . Torrey, Instructor T h e course covers th e fou r G o spels tho rough ly . It consists of 140 stud ies of th e m o st v ita l character. T h e e rro r of e rro rs h a s b e en to seek tru th concern ing Jesus C h rist from m en— hen c e th e false concep tion s of H is P e rson an d w ork. T h is course is a careful stu d y of th e B ible itself w ith h u n ­ d re d s of e x p la n a to ry references. A v e ry fascinating a n d in sp ir­ ing study, an d fíne fo r use in classes. C om p le te cost, $ 5 ; red u c ed price to tho se h av in g D r. T o r- rey ’s b o o k b y th e sam e title. W rite fo r bu lletin of th e course. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Secretary of the C orrespondence School


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