King's Business - 1919-01

THE FUNDAMENTAL; DOCTRINES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH . By R. A. Torrey, D. D. 328 pages. Cloth, $1.40. The au tho r in his foreword says: This book is the resu lt o'f th e a u th o r’s deep conviction th a t th e g reat need of th e Church is the simple emphatic statem en t an d in struction in th e funda­ m ental tru th s of the Christian F aith . And an exam ination of fifteen sermons given soon.convinces one th a t Dr. Tor­ rey is h ere giving th a t “ statem en t and in struction” in a very definite way. Be­ ginning w ith th e Inspiration of the Bible which he proves most conclusively and satisfactorily, he takes up in tu rn each of th e g reat doctrines, clearly sets fo rth th e tru e C hristian conception of God, shows Jesus Christ as tru ly hum an yet ju st a s,tru ly divine, and then proves deity of Christ, showing th e difference

between divinity and deity. The per­ sonality and deity of th e Holy Spirit are clearly shown in th e ir proper relation ­ ship to the believer. The atonem ent is raised to its righ tfu l place in God’s plan of salvation. Justification by faith is shown to be the distinctive doctrine of protestantism . And if any one ser­ mon can be said to stand out more vividly th a n the others it is th e one on “The New B irth ”—W hat it is— th e re­ sults of— th e necessity for— how a t­ tained. Sanctification as ta u g h t in the •Scriptures and not m an’s ideas in rela­ tion to it is made th e subject of one splendid sermon. The visible bodily resu rrection of Jesus is next proven from Scripture and th is proven fact is shown to be the basis of our hope of a sim ilar resurrection. The devil, hell and everlasting punishm ent each come in for proper consideration. We believe

ARE YOU SATISFIED witk tke Literature You kave been Using in YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL? Now is the time to think about what will be done for this year. Have you been hobbling along with impractical, unsound and even dangerous lesson helps simply because furnished by a denominational publishing house? I t ’s break loose! The King’s Business is undenominational in character but holds closely to the Word of God and makes the Bible its own interpreter. Look over the thorough treatment of the lessons and other valuable helps. Special price to Sunday Schools when ordered in lots of ten copies. It ought to be in the hands of all your teachers. BIBLE IN ST ITUTE OF LOS ANGELES

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