
60,000+ Visits to

1,700 Web Forms Have Been Submitted Early Results

4,438 13.2% Increase in New Customers

Increase in Cross-Brand Customers


Accounts Have Been Created

Here’s How You Can Help To complement the national efforts, owners can get involved locally. Here are four easy ways: • Collect valid email addresses from every lead and customer to ensure they receive CRM communications and Listen360 customer surveys. • Update your vans by adding the Neighborly/Neighbourly decal Incorporate updated creative with the Neighborly/Neighbourly logo and tagline in your local marketing which are now available on the Marketing Materials website . • Start to use the new Neighborly/Neighbourly cross-branded advertising pieces, which have been created for owners to use for co-op and shared advertising events such as trade shows. Additional marketing materials such as video to be used for television and online advertising will be available soon. • To work with fellow Dwyer Group franchisees in your area, I recommend referencing the Neighborly Brand Guidelines, local Marketing Playbook and contacting your brand’s marketing team to get started. The launch has been an amazing journey and we have really just begun. Now, the work begins to make Neighborly/Neighbourly all it can be to fuel our growth!

Mr. Handyman ® Data Insights: 52,728 Active customers (24 months) 38,070 Valid emails - represents 72.2% of active customers +8% Average value of customer with email address +2% Average job revenue for customer with email address $1,050 Average customer lifetime value


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