Professional May 2024



“We rise by lifting others.” Robert G. Ingersoll

Editor’s message

Hello, payroll, pensions and reward professionals. I’m absolutely delighted to be bringing you the 100th issue of Professional magazine. I’m so proud we have reached this significant milestone and


that we’ve been able to share so many articles with you over the years, whether they have been technical pieces which have helped you in your day-to-day role or content which was thought-provoking and encouraged you to think outside of the box. I have only been editing Professional for a relatively short time (roughly two and a half years), so it’s only right I credit Mike Nicholas, my predecessor, who made the magazine the publication it is today. The theme of our 100th issue is ‘ Here to help ’. I don’t know about you but whenever anyone I know has a query about literally anything to do with their pay, they automatically come to me to resolve all their problems! This is one of the things I love about working in payroll, as I enjoy helping others and I’m sure that will resonate with you, reading this today. Our feature article (page 35) discusses just how payroll can provide the best guidance to employees, friends and family but without stepping into the murky territory of advice, which could have unintended consequences. There are also some essential tips on how to proceed when delivering sound financial guidance, on page 38, and discussion of how to implement payroll savings schemes within organisations, to help with employee financial well-being, on page 42. Finally, we’re all so busy and focussed on helping others, but what about helping ourselves, the payroll professionals, a little? Our hot topic article on page 62 is designed to assist you in considering ongoing compliance with two extremely complex areas of payroll – the national minimum wage and holiday pay. I hope you enjoy our 100th issue and I’ll see you in June!


Lora Murphy MCIPP ( Editor


35 - Feature topic – here to help By Jerome Smail

38 - Top ten tips: delivering sound financial guidance By Anna Buckle 42 - Saving for a rainy day: how payroll savings schemes can help employees’ financial and mental well-being By Michelle Sutton 62 - Hot topic – ensuring continued compliance: national minimum wage and holiday pay By Charlie Barnes

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| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 100 | May 2024

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