Professional May 2024



Holiday pay and leave

wanted to further my career and studied at night school for my Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development qualification and progressed into a more senior HR role. “My role became more involved in payroll and systems, and I soon became what we term as a ‘hybrid’, so I wore many hats and juggled them accordingly. In 2016, our payroll manager left, and I was offered the position, which resulted in a CIPP qualification and 12 months of ‘difficulties’. As much as I enjoyed the challenge, it felt like quite a lonely place to be. “All members have one common purpose: to help each other” “I had been a member of HR Ninjas for some time and realised I would have really benefitted from some support in the payroll sphere, the kind I received from them. So, I messaged HR Ninjas to ask if they knew of any groups I could join and Lizzie (the founder of HR Ninjas) suggested I should

start one of my own, so I did! In 2019, I nervously set up Payroll Ninjas on Facebook, not really expecting much to happen! How wrong was I? Five years on and Payroll Ninjas has grown to over 7,000 members, who come from all walks of life, from all over the world and across all levels of experience. All members have one common purpose: to help each other. We don’t judge or berate, and no question is ever too silly. Members have commented how they feel that Payroll Ninjas is a non-judgemental and invaluable support platform, on which they can offer support and guidance and receive it in return. “We’re currently setting up a website, which we hope to launch in the next few weeks ( and have exciting ideas to further grow the network and bring more content and opportunities to our members. “To summarise Payroll Ninjas, I would say it’s a place to share experiences, knowledge, help and support to nurture the payroll professionals of today and the future. We’re all happy to share our experiences to encourage confident and knowledgeable Payroll Ninjas.” n

Duration One day

CPD 7 points

Holiday pay and leave has recently been subjected to numerous changes, becoming a difficult area to manage correctly. Backdated payments and penalties for non-compliance can be significant and so it is vital for HR and payroll professionals to understand these complicated rules if they are responsible for administering holiday.

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Specialist interest groups (SIGs)

One of the lesser-known benefits of CIPP membership comes in the form of access to our SIGs. Like the Facebook groups, these are invaluable platforms on which payroll professionals can share their issues, concerns or queries with their peers from within the same industry. There are currently SIGS in: ● banking and finance ● charities ● Chartered members ● construction industry ● football clubs ● friends of automatic enrolment ● marine industry ● North East England

Health Service and education ● retail ● Scottish payroll professionals ● small businesses

● utilities ● Wales.

We hope that you can use these groups to discuss any hurdles you may be facing with others who are experiencing the same, or those who have overcome similar challenges and can provide tips and advice that could help you. The SIGs page can be accessed here:

Member price: £395.00 + VAT Non-member price: £495.00 + VAT

● Northern Ireland ● pay on demand ● payroll professionals working with a bureau ● pensioners payroll ● policy think tank ● public sector incorporating local authority, National

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| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward |

Issue 100 | May 2024

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