Professional May 2024


Gateway to gold: improving your emotional intelligence Part two

I n part one, I enthused about our Gold certificate. It promised to keep me young through learning. I must admit, the wrinkles caused by going back to the classroom and writing assignments has maybe negated any benefits I anticipated! Wondering quite why I had embarked on this (a feeling familiar to all students, recent learning opportunity as tutors, completing the new Gateway to I’m sure), I drew comfort from the words of celebrated military leader, Douglas MacArthur: “Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.” This qualification will benefit me and those I interact with, so by the end of this I intend to be smooth on the inside, if not the outside. We’re completing an exploration of our leadership potential through development

of our emotional intelligence, or EQ. The first half of the course saw us consider how we could develop two pillars of emotional intelligence: authenticity and insight. “I can see that being true to myself makes me a far stronger person, and ultimately my work and relationships will be better for it”

Polly Sinclair MSc FCIPPdip MSET, CIPP tutor, discusses how to develop the pillars of emotional intelligence, in the second of the series surrounding the Gateway to Gold certificate

Since studying this, I’ve become much more aware of my own behaviour

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | May 2024 | Issue 100 46

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