Professional May 2024


CIPP update

Easter celebrations AS WE approached the Easter break in April, our wonderful charity committee organised a fun raffle to raise money and support our two charities: ● Acorns Children’s Hospice ● The Marine Conservation Society. From raffle ticket sales, we raised a total of £179, which will be split between both charities. We had some great prizes up for grabs including easter egg hampers, bottles of bubbly and, of course, lots of chocolate! Congratulations to all our winners.

Attendance at a Leaders Council event IN MARCH, our chief executive officer, Jason Davenport and business development director, Vickie Graham, were invited to and attended a Leaders Council event at the Lord Mayor of London’s Residence. England rugby icon, Jonny Wilkinson attended and delivered a speech about the importance of having the right mindset and being positive when it comes to life and business. It was an insightful and wonderful event.

Walk to Work Day 5 APRIL WAS National Walk to Work Day, and to celebrate, our green team organised a lunchtime walk to our local Costa. It was a great way to take a break from work, get some fresh air and enjoy a nice walk. Our team walked nearly two miles in 30 minutes, reaping the benefits of walking, including burning calories, strengthening our hearts and boosting our energy levels. Thanks to our amazing green team for arranging this. Let’s keep embracing the outdoors!

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | May 2024 | Issue 100 4

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