Professional May 2024


Modern life is incredibly busy. Combining work and home life can be a balancing act, and recently, we’ve all been exposed to considerable uncertainty. Pets can really help our mental well-being and help us find some solace and stability in difficult times. We asked you, the payroll professionals, to show us your pets.

Here are just a few of your wonderful furry and feathered friends...

Name: Mr Pip Sent by: Daniel Cull ACIPP, CIPP business development executive “Mr Pip brought boundless joy and warmth to those around him with his wagging tail and loyal heart. His playful spirit and unwavering love will be cherished forever in the memories of those who were lucky enough to know him.”

Name: Buster Sent by: Nick Day ACIPP, founder / owner, JGA Recruitment Group “We got Buster as a puppy in January 2008, three months before I launched JGA, and he was by my side ever since. I remember when I brought my daughter home for the first time in her car seat, the first thing he did was get a tennis ball and drop it by her feet in the hope she would throw it for him. She is now 14 years old! “I have probably spent 5-6 hours every day with Buster by my side, so to lose him leaves a big hole in our family. However, he was 99 years old in dog years, so he did pretty well. RIP, Buster.”

Name: Jeb Sent by: Flora Barnes, tax risk and governance director, RSM UK “Jeb, AKA the tax dog, is very chuffed with his new outfit from an admirer, in the RSM colours no less!”

Name: Luna and Willow Sent by: Joanne Leather MCIPPdip, CIPP education manager “Say hello to my girls, Luna and Willow, who are seven years old and sisters.”

If you’ve submitted your payroll pet to us and they’re not included, you’ll see them in a future issue of Professional .

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | May 2024 | Issue 100 64

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