Professional May 2024


On your behalf

Policy team update

What has CIPP’s policy and research team been getting up to over the course of the last month?

responding to those documents which are of relevance to our industries, so keep your eye out for your chance to share your opinions and contribute to those responses. We will also be sharing updates in a future issue of Professional magazine.

Consultation and call for evidence (CfE) updates The government has published a consultation on raising standards in the tax advice market – strengthening the regulatory framework and improving registration. It sets out three possible approaches to strengthen the regulatory framework: ● joint HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and industry enforcement ● regulation by a separate statutory government body ● mandatory membership of a recognised professional body. HMRC welcomes views from anyone who may receive or provide tax advice or who offers services to third parties to assist compliance with HMRC requirements. The policy team is responding to the consultation. However, if you wish to respond directly and have your say, all the consultation information and response details are available at qVSG50QZpQg. The consultation closes on 29 May 2024.

Tackling small pots Following the pension small pots consultation that the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) ran from July to September 2023, policy and research officer, Mathew Akrigg, has been invited by the DWP to take part in the initial scoping and specification work for the proposed clearing house model and default multiple consolidator processes. Mat will have the opportunity to shape the legislation and processes in a way which assists employers in complying with new duties without increasing administrative burden. We will, of course, keep you informed of any updates as we receive them. Tax administration and maintenance day (TAMD) At the spring budget in March 2024, it was confirmed that tax administration and maintenance announcements would be made at the next TAMD, which was held on 18 April 2024. TAMD involved the launch of new consultations and CfEs, some of which will have impacts for payroll, pensions and reward. The policy team will, of course, be

Forums The policy team is privileged to sit on several HMRC forums. Samantha O'Sullivan, policy and advisory lead, Mat and Sarah Smith, policy and research officer, attended several forums between them in April, including: ● the guidance strategy forum ● employment and payroll group (EPG) ● HMRC’s expert panel forum ● employment status and intermediaries (IR35). The team sits on these forums to ensure our members’ feedback is provided at government level. We will always update you on our findings and information provided through these groups, via Professional and News Online . If you have any issues you would like to raise at any of the professional forums we sit on, please reach out to the team by emailing us at . n

| Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward | May 2024 | Issue 100 6

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