• You may no longer participate in your favorite activities, nor do you want to do so. • You may stop eating or your appetite may increase. • You may sleep for long periods or may not be able to fall asleep. • You may feel like you cannot go on living, and you may think about suicide or hurting yourself. If so, please tell someone. If you recognize that you are grieving, you may be wondering how to cope. There is no magic cure for grief. However, there are things you can do that will help ease the pain and move you toward healing. This process involves expressing your thoughts and feelings, maybe again and again, in order to move through them. • Talk about your feelings - Talking to family, friends, teachers, counselors, or other people you trust can help ease the emotional pain. • Express your grief through writing, art or music - If you enjoy writing, try writing in a journal or writing a private blog each day to release feelings, share thoughts about your loved one, and reflect on your hopes for the future. Other creative arts such as painting, drawing and playing an instrument all provide a way to channel what is inside you. • Get physically active to get the stress out - If you prefer to do something active, continue to play your favorite sport, take frequent walks, or run in your neighborhood. There are benefits to staying active while you are grieving. How to Deal with Grief
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