Biola Broadcaster - 1973-03


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MARCH 1973


MARCH 1973




President ___

Managing Editor ___




Unpolluted in a Polluted Society J. Richard Chase


* Panel Discussions


*Studies in I Timothy . J. Richard Chase



*ll Timothy 2 :15 Al Sanders


‘ Jam es 4 :13-15






Al Sanders

* P h i l i p p i a n s ...................................... Lloyd T . Anderson ♦Edited Biola Hour Radio m essag es


COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Biola Chorale and Orchesta in concert—Crowell Hall Auditorium Photographed by Pete Schwepker


Second Class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Penn Litho­ graphies, Inc., Whittier, California. Address: Biola Broadcaster, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638.

CHORALE TOUR Las Vegas, Nevada

May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9

Grand Junction, Colorado Buena Vista, Colorado Denver, Colorado Longmont, Colorado Cheyenne, Wyoming

Omaha, Nebraska May 10 Kansas City, Kansas May 11 Whitewater, Kansas

May 12 Colorado Springs, Colorado May 13 Colorado Springs, Colorado May 14 Albuquerque, New Mexico May 15 Home RAND TOUR May 4 Palm Springs, California May 5 Flagstaff, Arizona May 6 Phoenix, Arizona May 7 Phoenix, Arizona May 8 Scottsdale, Arizona May 9 Tucson, Arizona May 10 Tucson, Arizona May 11 Yuma, Arizona May 12 San Diego, California May 13 Escondido, California/Home A complete listing of performance locations - | will be printed in an upcoming issue.

Unpolluted in a

To pollute is to defile. Pollu­ tion mars things and keeps them from achieving their original pur­ pose. We pollute rivers by defiling or contaminating them with do­ mestic and industrial waste, so that they can no longer fully sustain life. Page 4

Pollution comes in many forms. The pollution of our physical envi­ ronment may be our defilement of water, air, and land. Uncontrolled industrial waste, exhaust fumes, and strip mining alter our environ­ ment and make it difficult for the

Polluted Society By J. RICHARD CHASE

leaving a messy trail in our own living, we probably pay lip-service to this growing menace. Man defiles not only nature. He defiles his neighbor. He pollutes the air waves with jarring sounds so school children near metropoli- Page 5

environment to sustain life. Pollu­ tion can defile the beauty of Cod's creation. Rubbish along our high­ ways clashes with and minimizes the beauty of the landscape. These forms of pollution are well documented. Although we may be

Philippians chapter 2, particularly verses 3, 4,15 and Philippians 4:8). Although our age may not be any worse than some in the past, mental pollution (the defilement of the mind) should not be lost sight of in the cry for a cleaner environ­ ment. With the Christian's concern over polluted water, scarred land­ scape, and impure air, there must also be an indignant cry against the defilement of the inner man as well. While we are officially attempt­ ing to clean up the environment, by lack of voice and effort we are saying that it is all right to defile the mind. Daily we subject our mind to a life style that condones disrespect, immorality, profanity, and lack of self-control. Self-con­ trol and respect for others and for Cod's creation are essential fab­ rics of a productive society. The baser life style of the age has so permeated our literature and en­ tertainment media that we seem to be slowly accepting it as the norm. The polluted mind that "does its own thing" without regard for others has become our common denominator. In the best of times, it is difficult to keep the mind focused on pro­ ductive thought. Today the attack is such that many Christians suc­ cumb. Peter tells us Christians can be influenced and become entangled in the "pollution of the world." For Peter, pollution (Miasma) meant to defile or alter by staining .And when a Christian succumbs to what Peter calls the love of the undisci­ plined life, his life is altered and he becomes a slave to the "ser­ vants of corruption" (II Peter 2:19, 20 ). Though pollution comes in many

tan airports may not do as well in their school work as their contem­ poraries in quieter settings. He as­ saults the city dweller with con­ stant noises so that the quiet of the country disturbs him on the first night of his vacation and he has difficulty sleeping. Most damning of all, man pollutes the mind of his neighbor. By sight and sound, man is constantly assaulted. We can turn our eyes away or attempt to close out the debilitat­ ing din, but the daily assault takes its toll. Soon the constant diet of absurd advertising claims on bill­ boards, in print, on television and radio, makes the mediocre appear most acceptable and the excellent an exception to be analyzed in awe. Truth, integrity, and respect for our fellowman's ability to think ration­ ally has been polluted — defiled to the point where truth is altered for sales, and integrity and respect are distorted beyond recognition. Further, the subtle use of sex to entertain or sell goods touches all with either sight or hearing. And the blatant use of sex and pornog­ raphy seems daily to move closer to general acceptance as the "American way of life." Whether we like it or not, the Christian's mind is being bom­ barded with material that hinders its proper function. The Christian is to walk in fellowship with God, a walk that is possible through Christ's death and resurrection. The Christian is to be unselfish, show­ ing love and respect for others. Ideally, he is to be without defect. Or, if you will, unpolluted in a pol­ luted society. His mind operates on the basis of that which is truthful, honest, just, pure, lovely, positive, virtuous, and praise-worthy. (Note

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forms, two basic related causes stand out in my mind: selfishness and disrespect. The selfish man pollutes as does the man who dis­ respects Cod and His creation. It is selfishness that causes industrial waste to be dumped into a river by a manufacturer contributing to the auto industry. But it may not be just the selfish owners or stock­ holders who are protecting profits. The selfish purchaser of the car may demand the basic car and a dozen luxury items all at a reason­ able price, and he may be unwill­ ing to settle for a price structure that may rule in favor of an unpol­ luted river instead of luxury op­ tions. Here in California we have learned that to many the extra cost and poorer performance of auto­ mobile anti-pollution devices are harder to take than smog. Many Southern Californians would rather die in style in smog than live in simplicity in fresh air. Selfishness and disrespect for both nature and others leads us to dump our trash wherever it is con­ venient. On January 1st of this year, the City of Pasadena spent thou­ sands of dollars in the waking hours of the New Year cleaning up tons of rubbish left by parade on­ lookers. Billboards clutter scenic landscapes because men desire profit more than they respect the rights of others to enjoy beauty. God's creation — man included — are mere elements to be used and exploited by the selfish and dis­ respectful manipulator. Francis Schaeffer, in Pollution and the Death of Man, the Chris­ tian View of Ecology, sharply fo­ cuses the problem when he writes: "Science today treats man as less than man, and nature as less than

nature. And the reason for this is that modern science has the wrong sense of origin, and having the wrong sense of origin it has no cat­ egory sufficient to treat nature as nature any more than it has to treat man as man." I would argue, however, that in the broader scope in which I have set pollution, it is not science that permits the defilement of both us and our environment, it is any seg­ ment of society that lives for self. Advertising that plays up greed, sex, and self-gratification is treat­ ing man as an object to be ex­ ploited for profit. The producer of pornography, the owner of a bar that features nude entertainers, and the entertainer that specializes in off-color material all have found that financial success is possible if you are willing to stoop low enough. Selfishness for profits and a lack of respect for their fellow- man characterize such people. Just as water and air can be defiled and limited in serving its highest func­ tions, so can man be limited by the polluters of our age who are bent on exploitation for profit. The Christian must not only be doubly on guard to protect his spiritual sanity, he should and must live differently. As the salt of the earth, he can show the way to both a better physical environment by his respect for Cod's creation and a pure and productive life through a committed walk with our Savior.

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Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. J. Richard Chase


ruled out of man's thinking, very dire results will follow. This pas­ sage is very broad and would appropriately urge us to give of our means, including time, talents, and tithe, expressed in love, to share the blessings of the Lord. It is the same as the suggestion shown in our Lord's parable of the sower. We never know how, who and when people will respond. The principle which is given therefore really deals then with man in gen­ eral Q. Lomita, Calif. "Is there any spe­ cific Scriptural evidence to indicate that if a person commits suicide he is eternally lost?" A. No, the Bible does not give any direct evidence of this at all. It is

Q. Yakima, Wash. " Would you please explain the phrase from Ecclesiastes 11:1, 'Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shall find it after many days.' Does it refer to the Israelites, or to whom?" A. Like so many portions of Scrip­ ture, such as certain chapters of Psalms and Proverbs, we are given what are known as both timely as well as timeless truths. These state­ ments are not bound by chronolo­ gy or dispensational interpretation. While Ecclesiastes was given to Israel through Solomon by the Holy Spirit, it not only applies to them but to us as well. The things which are given are applicable to any man who reasons things on the earth without particularly the added rev­ elation from above. When Cod is

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ence Bible which will provide even more help and evidence for the background of this question.) Q. Davison, Mich. "Most of my ancestors came from the British Isles. I am wondering, am I a Gen­ tile or, as some teach, a Hebrew?" A. From all indications, without seeing a specific family tree, you doubtless would be of the Anglo- Saxon race. There is a cult, not as popular as it once was, which had ten of the lost tribes coming from the British Isles. There is no Scrip­ tural, geographical or ethnic evi­ dence which would give one iota of weight to this false view known as British-lsraelism. The fact is that no one knows whatever became of the 10 northern tribes when they were taken into captivity. Un­ less your parents were Jewish, if you came from the British Isles, you are doubtless of the Anglo- Saxon race. Q. Visalia, Calif. "Would you please explain Isaiah 12:2 where we read, 'Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid; for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.' Why does it state this several times?" A. Repetition is one of the best ways of teaching. Most advertisers have certainly learned this lesson. The memory is a wonderful thing. The more the eye sees and the ear hears the easier it is to remember. In Scripture things are also stated several times for added emphasis. The passage about which you have asked follows a wonderful picture of the kingdom David re­ stored by His greater Son. When Page 9

what an individual does with Jesus Christ while he is living that settles the soul's eternal destiny. Most Bible scholars agree that if one is not in his right mind when he takes his life, and how could he be in light of his deed, then that deci­ sion he made concerning eternal life before that time, would be the deciding factor. It is evident that no person in his rational mind would actually take his own life. The Bible does put tremendous significance on the value of the human body. No one is to treat it lightly. That is why the Lord es­ tablished the principle of capital punishment. The taking of life, whether in suicide or murder, is nothing to be considered or treated lightly. Q. Inglewood, Calif. " Why does the King James Version of the Bible use two different spellings for the name Nebuchadnezzar?" (II Kings 24:1, Jeremiah 21:2). A. There is a difference in spelling if you will look up these references for a comparative study. The ques­ tion is—was the man's name Neb­ uchadnezzar or was it Nebucha­ drezzar? Usually we find in litera­ ture the spelling as Nebuchadnez­ zar because it more often appears that way in Scripture. Taken from the Assyrian Babylonian language the more usual spelling would be Nebuchadrezzar. You see, the He­ brew text uses both. We have dif­ ferent ways today of spelling even more common, simpler names. In Jeremiah 21:2 we are given the Babylonian spelling, which is ex­ pected since the prophet lived at the very time of the Babylonian exile. (There is an excellent note on page 792 of the Scofield Refer­

Israel came up out of the land of Egypt they rejoiced before the Lord in His gracious provision and salvation. Similarly, we should be ready at all times to give praise to our wonderful Saviour. The repe­ tition is shown for the intensity of devotion and adoration which is involved. Q. Walla, Walla, Wash. " Why does Biola teach the pre-tribulation rap­ ture theory so strongly? It is not that clearly taught in Scripture. Furthermore, how did this popular doctrine originate?" A. We should have far more space for this discussion. Biola teaches the pre-tribulation rapture truth because that is what is clearly re­ vealed in the Bible. As for the or­ igination of the doctrine, we find it taught from the New Testament itself. As an example, in I Thessa- lonians 1:10 we read that our Lord has delivered us "from the wrath to come." There are two views concerning the word "wrath." Hell is, of course, the ultimate place of God's wrath. In a sense we as Christians are certainly delivered from that particular wrath. But the definite article in Greek is found here. It is not just "from wrath" but "from the wrath to come." When the definite article appears in the Greek it refers to something very specific rather than that which is only general. To see what this period of wrath will be you can read such verses as Revelation 6:16, 17. This is the awful time of the Great Tribulation which shall be­ fall this earth in God's judgment on fallen mankind. The earlier chapters of this precious book show the Church, made up of all true

born-again believers, as being up in heaven where the redeemed are worshipping the Lord. Yes, the Rapture, shown in such passages as I Thessalonians 4:13-18, very definitely reveals that this great event will precede the Tribulation and the ensuing millennial reign of our Saviour. When Christ was here on earth He declared that there would be certain signs which would precede His return. We be­ lieve that there is no prophetic promise that has yet to be fulfilled before His return. We are con­ vinced that He can come back at any time. Q. Davison, Mich. "Can you please tell me the origin of oriental and the black races? Does the Bible give us any indication?" A. It is obvious that the entire hu­ man family after the flood came from Noah. He, his wife, his three sons, and their wives were the on­ ly ones saved from that judgment. There has been a great deal of study, analysis and speculation as to the background and origination of the races we have today. The fact is that we do not have any direct, concrete evidence for any of these particular views. Perhaps, this is the way in which the Lord has ordained it. There are many things which may influence races such as the influences of geograph­ ical and climatic conditions. We cannot generalize, however, for there are many Caucasians who have lived in Africa for many gen­ erations, but who have not become negroid. You see, Scripture is not concerned about details of skin color or facial characteristics. The prime consideration and objective is man's redemption through the

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shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Just for the record, we would want to point out that Biola has never looked at the national origin of any individual or on the color of his skin as far as enrollment in our College or Talbot Theological Seminary. The only prerequisite on a non-academic basis, is a per­ sonal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Saviour. Q. San Diego, Calif. " Why do some modern translators leave out 'be­ gotten' from John 3:16? What does the word really mean?" A. It is true that a number of mod­ ern translations leave out the word. "Only begotten" happens to be one compound word in the Creek. If this is left out the reading becomes "His only Son." Some people might see a potential con­ tradiction in the fact that we also are called "sons of Cod." "Begot­ ten," for a literal translation should be included. It actually means "the eternal generation of the Son." This refers to the idea that where there is a Father mentioned in the Bible there is a correlative idea leading us to know that there must also be a Son. But this is an eternal generation. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in a way totally abstracted from all earthly considerations, is completely unique. For avoidance of confusion the words as they appear in the King James Version's "only begotten Son" cannot be im­ proved upon. Q . Nampa, Idaho. "Romans 8 seems to say that nothing can sep­ arate us from the love of God. I have been taught, however, that we can separate ourselves from His love. Can you help me?"


As Biola College and Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary students are pre­ paring, they also eagerly go to the world of youth who need Christ. Come with them to the Black com­ munity in Watts, the Mexican- Americans in East Los Angeles, athletic evangelism, camps, and the classrooms of public and pri­ vate schools. As you share with us in preparing young people for Christian service and leadership, the Biola Broad­ caster will be mailed to you as a special gift each month. Yes, I want to share in Biola’s min­ istry through The Biola Fellowship. I will pray for Biola and, as the Lord enables me, I will endeavor to give as indicated below: 25 10 5 3 2 1 Monthly □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Quarterly □ □ □ □ Semi-Annually □ □ □ Annually □ □ Please use my gift for: Campus Development □ Student Aid □ Radio □ Miss... Address..........................._................................................. City......................................State____________lip ..... Send to: Biola College 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90639 Mr. Mrs. General Fund □

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Page 11

A. Not only Romans 8, but also many other passages, assure us that once we have received Christ as Saviour, nothing can separate us from His love. It is true that through sin and backsliding we may lose fellowship but we cer­ tainly do not lose our salvation. Once this translation has taken place we cannot be “ unborn." We may be disobedient children but we are not removed from the fam­ ily of God. Q. Monterey, Calif. “ / have heard it taught that the phrase, 'inas­ much as ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren' (Mat­ thew 25:40ff) implies that every person is a brother of Jesus Christ. Could you please comment on this?" A. One of the great errors in teach­ ing has become known as the uni­ versality of man. This holds the view that every person is the broth­ er of one another, and ultimately of Christ. The passage you men­ tion, as well as the teaching of the entire Word of God, does not sup­ port such a view. We cannot be­ come righteous in God's sight by doing good works, no matter how sacrificial they may be. The answer as to who these brethren are can be found in I Corinthians 10:32. Paul warns us not to give offense to anyone in the great divisions of the human family. All mankind is either Jew or Gentile by natural origin. If one is spiritually related to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith, whether he be Jew or Gentile, he is put into another category alto­ gether. He is spiritually reborn and becomes a member of the Church of God. The group re­ ferred to here in the human family

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in heaven as well as also on earth. Certainly, in our resurrection bodies, we will be able to go into any of these spheres. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Where did the devil come from, and when will the devil be destroyed?" A. Isaiah 14 gives us the origin of Satan, known as Lucifer. No one knows when he was created or just what the circumstances were before his fall. He was doubtless one of the highest of God's crea­ tions, but decided that he wanted a place of prominence even high­ er, against the will of God. This caused the great rebellion in heav­ en. You see, heaven is an absolute monarchy. There cannot be two rulers. For this reason he had to be cast out. His final consignment to hell is spoken of in Revelation chapter 20. He is first bound and cast into the bottomless pit for the one thousand years of our Lord's reign on earth. After he is loosed for a short season he will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, tormented day and night forever and ever (vs. 10). This is his final destruction. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Why are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John referred to as the four 'gospels'?" A. The word "gospel" comes from two Greek words which mean "good news." Very simply, these four books uniquely tell the su­ preme good news of all the uni­ verse. The Old Testament leads up to the message of Christ's birth, earthly ministry, death, bur­ ial and resurrection. There is no Page 13

is Israel, Christ's natural brethren, descended from Abraham. There are also two senses to the word "brethren." One is national and the other is spiritual (Hebrews 2:11, 12). Here it has reference to the natural. It is incorrect, then, to say that every person is a brother of Jesus Christ. These of Israel are natural brethren of Christ who will be going through the Tribulation period, and who will certainly need the comforts mentioned in this passage. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "How long were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?" A. No one really knows. Scripture does not give us any clear indica­ tion. Time, before man's fall, was not important. It was just a glori­ ous experience worshipping the Creator. We will have to wait until we see the Lord to get the com­ plete answer to this and other questions to which the Bible does not give us specific information. Q. Victoria, B. C. "Where will the saints live and minister during the Millennium? I think I read in Eze­ kiel that there will be two spheres during this time, one heavenly and the other one earthly." A. You are correct in your analysis. There are two types of saints. One group, Israel, are the elect for earth (Deuteronomy 14:1, 2). The other are New Testament saints whose destination is heaven. They both will meet during the Milen- nium (Revelation 21) where the New Jerusalem is suspended be­ tween heaven and earth. Old Tes­ tament saints will live on earth while New Testament saints will be

Q. Gladstone, Ore. " Did God con­ verse face-to-face with Elijah and others, or just make His wishes known by His presence?" A. We believe that God conversed face-to-face with Elijah through the pre-incarnate Christ. No man can see Cod in all of His glory and live. It is a wonderful thing that Cod would reveal Himself in such a beautiful, positive way to these great men of Cod of the Old Tes­ tament time.

other literature like it anywhere as each of the books tell how Cod sent a Redeemer to this lost world. That is the best news of all! Of course, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are just the human writers. They give us four distinct pictures of the life and ministry of our Lord Jesus. Matthew reveals Him as King; Mark as Servant; Luke as the Man who was Cod; and John shows Him as God who became Man. These are all harmonized in the Person of the Saviour.


TOUR NO. 1 April 24 - May 15 Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Lecturer Dr. Israel Carmona, Assistant Cost: $1275 from New York to New York. (Reduced group fares from West Coast to be announced) TOUR NO. 2 June 18 - July 9 Dr. Charles L. Feinberg, Lecturer Cost: $1355 from New York to New York. (Reduced group fares from West Coast to be announced) TOUR NO. 3 July 24 - August 8 (with 28 -day optional extension around the world) Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, Lecturer Dr. Robert L. Thomas, Assistant Cost: $1265. 28-day exten­ sion: additional $1350.

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CHRISTIAN COUNSELING PANEL Dr. Chase, President Professor Norman Wright, Chairman Religious Education Department Talbot Theological Seminary Dr. Vern Lewis, Chairman Psychology Department, Biola

Answers are abridged from ad lib radio discussions on "The Biola Hour." Material is meant to be helpful and inspiration, not to provide a com­ plete treatise on any of the specific subjects discussed. To summarize, there is a wonderful demonstration of God's love in His pattern for us in our own lives. Plus, there are many practical suggestions which would help us to have a stronger marriage as well as a stronger relationship with the children in our homes. Q. "Is marijuana physically or psy­ chologically harmful?"

moved on from there to what are known as heavier or hard drugs. Marijuana becomes the dread "stepping stone" to all types of addictive drugs. This is why we use the term "domino effect." One bar­ rier falls and the rest begin to tumble down with them. Once some walls of inhibition are brok­ en down, everything of rationality quickly slips away. As a source for added material we would suggest you write to: The National Clear­ ing House for Drug Abuse Infor­ mation, 5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015. If you are interested, they could of­ fer some very valuable help. Q. " What can a Christian parent do to make sure that he is creating in his home the kind of situation where a son or daughter will not feel a psychological need to use marijuana, even from an experi­ mental standpoint?" Page 15

A. It depends on what you mean by "harmful." Most recent re­ search findings do not indicate that it will always create physical de­ pendence. We must keep in mind, however, the problem of psycho­ logical dependence. If the individ­ ual is a chronic user of drugs he develops what we call "habitua­ tion." He forms a habit of use over a period of time. Taking marijuana may have resulted in reducing ten­ sion, which has been pleasurable to the one involved. He has found it to be a very powerful reinforcer without using something in the real world to deal with his problems. Alcohol is used in much the same manner. In testimony from many drug addicts, as well as research along this line, it is quite apparent that many of these unfortunate people started by using marijuana but

ruled and governed your life. Let them know honestly, a bit at a time, the problems to which they may someday be exposed. Give them rational views, letting them know what life is like as well as what the consequences can be. Their minds are ready to receive a great deal more than we might imagine. Q. "Should a Christian become in­ volved in sensitivity training?" A. First, we should understand that "sensitivity training" covers a great deal of ground. It can mean many things to many people. Several years ago there was a tremendous "fad" about this which seems on the downside now. This idea of per­ sonal encounters probably started in the area of the business world in the late 1940's. From there it expanded into the educational world. Its primary purpose was to teach those in various professions and in the industrial community to be much more sensitive to them­ selves as well as to others since the emotions are basically dealt

A. Perhaps the primary key is to make sure that the teenager knows that he is both loved and accepted. Of course, this should start long before the child reaches that age. There should be a constant atmos­ phere created where every mem­ ber of the family feels they can communicate to one another. There must be away by which they can share their differences openly. As parents we also have the re­ sponsibility of being concerned about what activities outside the home are occupying the time and interests of our children. We should be watchful and observant of the various symptoms that do occur. As adults many of us are not aware of the pressures our youth face from the challenge of others their same age or older in the school and neighborhood. This is a good reason for us to be concerned about their choice of friends. Evidence weighs heavily in revealing that young people who start using mar­ ijuana have been introduced to it by one of their own age group. It is never too early to teach a child the principles which have

NOTICE TO OUR READERS For many years the Department of Stewardship has attempted to be of service to our many donors and other friends. We trust we have done a good job and we intend to continue assisting you as long as the Lord tarries. Our service will continue as usual, however, we are changing the name to the Development Department. Mr. John Isaac continues to head the department and his title will be Director of Development. Your Stewardship representative in the field will now assume the title of Special Represen­ tative. Also, a new department has been established in an effort to better serve you. It is the Office of Public Information directed by Evelyn Gibson. Her responsibilities will include publicity, publications, advertising and communications to and with our donors and other friends.

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was what was true in that first cen­ tury after the death of Christ. Many of our fine evangelical pastors are so concerned about this that they have devised ways so their mem­ bership can be broken up into smaller groups where people can touch one another's lives, yet com­ ing back together for worship as a collective body of believers. Any sensitivity training which appeals to the sensual nature in man has to be rejected. We are not the least bit interested in this. There is rather the spiritual aspect which must be strengthened. Re­ member, small groups have been used for centuries in the context of the church. This is true today with our traditional Sunday school class. We would immediately reject anything which would violate Bibli­ cal standards. We could encourage, however, those who purposes and goals are to get individuals together in groups to strengthen Christian relationships. These leaders, of course, must be qualified individ­ uals who know the Bible, and who understand group dynamics so that they can work intelligently and effectively. Q. "What causes a Christian couple to drift away and eventually to get a divorce?" A. There can be a variety of rea­ sons for this. One is that many young people get married when they are too young. They enter in­ to this new union basically out of what we may call "romantic love." They have very little understanding of what goes on in the marriage process. When they realize what life is all about they may feel they have lost out on being single and Page 17

with. Small groups would meet, generally on an intensive scale, to see how they might change atti­ tudes, their own and others. To­ day, of course, there are many variations of sensitivity training in­ cluding the more sensational types which the news media have picked up. These have included the areas of physical contact. Some have criticized sensitivity training stating that it will tear down a person emotionally. Re­ search does not really indicate this to be true. At the same time one should exercise real caution in get­ ting involved in groups where mo­ tives, leadership, final goals and other aspects are the least bit ques­ tioned. Such groups functioning within the church should not only teach people to be sensitive to themselves but also to one anoth­ er, and most importantly to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Only in this way can their relationship with the Lord be made more sig­ nificant. Sensitivity training has been abused by many. Only the grace of Cod has the power to really change an individual's life for both time and eternity. Yet, people do feel alienated today and need to know of God's love which can be ex­ pressed through the lives of His children. There are many large churches where a visitor or member can feel alone even in a crowd of a thou­ sand. They may suffer from iden­ tity problems, sensing something missing in their lives. They may lack personal and direct fellow­ ship with those who also know and love Christ. We should be aware and on the lookout for the needs other Christians have. This

want to revert to their own inde­ pendence. There can also be the lack of adequate preparation in entering the marriage union. One of the things we are doing at Talbot The­ ological Seminary is trying to pre­ pare these men and women who will be entering some phase of Christian service and ministry to conduct pre-marital counselling sessions and seminars wherever the Lord calls them. It would be won­ derful if each young couple could have five or six full sessions of pre­ marital counselling before their wedding day. This could save un­ told days and even years of agony and heartbreak. Too many today have really a misunderstanding of what true love actually is. Frequently we find those who marry to meet some neurotic need. As an example, one individual is looking for another to lean on. It might be the woman who wants more a father than a husband, while a man may crave a father- daughter relationship. The individ­ uals may be unaware of the "hang­ ups" causing the problems which ultimately end in divorce. Indifference seems to be one of the unhappinesses that surround so many. There is a lack of con­ cern and care for others. You may be sure that selfishness is at the top of the list of difficulties. Too many want their own way and are upset when they cannot get it. They are unwilling to change or to bend to the needs of the other. Many barriers are thrown up so that over the years they may feel that divorce is the only way out. It is sad to see these things occurring in so-called Christian homes. We need not be surprised when

we consider the tremendously sound and good psychological ad­ vice that one can readily find in the Word of Cod. The Apostle Paul particularly spoke on these vital points. As an example, he pointed out that a married couple should not defraud one another sexually. He showed how this could create real problems. As husbands and wives we have real responsibilities toward one another, even in meet­ ing basic physical needs. A failure in this realm could cause one part­ ner to be susceptible to tempta­ tions which might not otherwise occur. It is not infrequent that such will take place. There is a danger even in becoming so involved in the work of the church that the physical needs of the mate fall by the wayside and are neglected. This is why Scripture gives us this very definite warning. Another cause that is mentioned is the fact of being unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Both in a marriage partnership should have an equal commitment to the Lord. We cannot underscore the importance of these points too greatly, nor does the Bible gloss over in any sense our sacred re­ sponsibilities. One of the most beautiful things about a Christian marriage is the commitment to one another, as well as to Christ. It is to be a loyalty that continues down through the years. So many passages remind men particularly to be kind, considerate, and loyal to their wives. There is still a great value in the Christian vows that are taken, even though the world may be rejecting them. Another cause that results in a couple drifting apart is the fact that their marriage was only built

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not forsake this important time to­ gether. Then, there are also some fine Christian books written on the sub­ ject of marriage which can give you a greater insight into this vital area of life. Many couples wait un­ til it is almost too late in their re­ lationship before they try to find the necessary help. If this is your situation, you should not hesitate to seek out your pastor or a quali­ fied Christian counsellor who can provide the necessary assistance. In working with people, this is a most common failing and the scars have been too deeply etched to be healed. So often we fail to communicate our love for one another. Wives will say that their husbands do not love them anymore. They find their own love cooling. One problem may be a failure actually to say and to demonstrate how we feel. Gen­ erally husbands have trouble in being concerned with telling their wives that they do love them. This is true of the Lord, too. With all His great love for the world, if He had not manifested it in the sense of sending His Son, it would not have done the world any good. This is exactly true in marriage. We need to communicate the fact of love to the other person involved in our relationship. Q. "My husband and I have been married for almost 20 years. The problem is, however, he never tells me he loves me. He can be very kind and helpful with the children, as well as with the housework, but he never gets right down to ex­ pressing it in so many words. Is there anything I can do to encour­ age him?" Page 19

around the children. Once they have been reared and leave home, the only thing left are two strangers living together. They now have very little in common. Their interests are different and they have no mu­ tual concerns or needs to be met. In marriage counselling for Chris­ tians we have found that if an in­ dividual's communication between himself and the Lord is not what it should be, then it will generally affect the relationship with his spouse. This is the basic starting point to a firm understanding of why there may be problems in communicating in the home. Q. "What are some specific things a person can do as a Christian to make him or her a better marriage partner?" A. We would have to underscore again the question of the individ­ uals' relationship and commitment to the Lord. If that is not satisfac­ tory, there can be any number of other problems and difficult in­ volvements. On a positive plain, we should be more desirous and concerned about changing ourselves than de­ manding that our mates change. Phillips translates Romans 14:13, "Stop being so critical of one another. If you must be critical, be critical of yourself, and see that you do nothing to cause your brother to stumble." One good exercise would be to study together the book of Proverbs as a couple. All of the principles concerning communication found in those tre­ mendous verses and chapters are unexcelled. From there, go on to other portions of the Word. Do

place. As the Lord showed His love for us, so we need to make certain that we are expressing through our words and actions that we have real love in our hearts for others. Love is always a "two-way" street. In the question we have been considering we would ask if the wife has been expressing her ap­ preciation to the husband. Does she delight in the fact that he helps with the children as well as with the housework? Does she express to him that she loves him? Some­ times we can convey our love to the other individual by such simple things as being a good and ready listener. As an example, some men will compain, "I used to tell my wife everything, but I gave up be­ cause she wasn't really interested. I didn't seem to be getting through." We can communicate love by giv­ ing full and undivided attention to others whether children, friends or spouses. Do not always be think­ ing about what you can say as soon as the other person stops talking. When such a practice is followed, disaster can come to a marriage. Most deep-routed problems begin with little things until, as they build up, a tremendous distance between the couples soon evolves. Remember, good Christian homes do not just happen. They are the product of the work and involvement of each one, cooper­ ating together. Marriage is more than a 50-50 proposition. It is the 100% involvement and coopera­ tion of both husband and wife, guided by the Holy Spirit in every area of participation.

A. Of course, in good communica­ tion, a wife will have the freedom, through a proper relationship, to verbalize her need of actually hear­ ing the words tenderly and gen­ uinely expressed, "I love you." Perhaps she needs to feel his touch, saying, "I need to have you hold my hand when we walk," or "I need to feel your arm around me when we are sitting in church," or whatever the situation. Some current research going on now is trying to bring couples to­ gether who have had problems in these areas and are just getting them to touch one another. Some­ times we can communicate love in this manner without even saying so many words. It is even easier for some people. Parents will do things for their children, buying them all sorts of objects, seeking to express their love through pur­ chases. Many of these young peo­ ple will say that is not what they have wanted. The most important thing is to have their father or mother tell them of their love for them. It might be demonstrated more forcefully by giving them a hug. (Of course, there are certain times in a teenager's life when he does not want to be touched at all.) Many young married couples have expressed that one of the things they would like to do the most is to go home with the free­ dom to put their arms around their parents. Sometimes they feel blocked and reticent because of the background of problems which have built up over the years. It is interesting to study the life of Christ and notice the many times that the Saviour touched people in His ministry, realizing the tre­ mendous effect which always took

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Cathy Sodestrom is a Junior Physical Education major from Orinda, California.

THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAUL TO T I M O T H Y Salutation. Charge Respecting Misuse of the Personal Thanksgiving. P a u l , aan apostle of bChrist Jesus According to t mandment of dGod our Savior, and of bChrist Jesus, i ehope; 2 to aTimothy, bmy true child in the faith: cGrao and peace from God the Father and dChrist Jesus o 3 As I urged you *upon my departure for aMa< 2remain on at bEphesus, in order that you may instruc men not to Cteach strange doctrines, 4 nor to *pay attention to amyths and endless b gies, which give rise to mere Speculation rather than ing 2God’s provision which is by faith. 5 But the goal of our ^instruction is love bfron heart and a cgood conscience and a sincere dfaith. 6 For some men, straying from these things, havi aside to fruitless discussion, 7 awanting to be bteachers of the Law, even thoi do not understand either what they are saying or the about which they make confident assertions. 8 But we know that athe Law is good, if one lawfully, 9 realizing the fact that alaw is not made for a r man, but for those who are lawless and brebellious, cungodly and sinners, for the unholy and dprofane, f who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers 10 *and 2aimmoral men 1an8 bhomosexuals *an pers *and dliars ]and eperjurers, and whatever else is coi

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com- is our nercy Lord. ionia, ertain nealo- rther- ì they atters ses it teous >r the those dnap- ary to

1a2 Cor. 1:1; 2 Tim. 1:1 >>1Tim. 1:12 cTitus 1:3 dLuke 1:47; Titus 1:3 C o l. 1:27 2 »Acts 16:1; 2 Tim. 1:2 b2 Tim. 1:2; Titus 1:4 c2 Tim. 1:2; Titus 1:4; Rom. 1:7 dl Tim. 1:12 3 lLit., while departing 2Lit., to remain aRom. 15:26 bActs 18:19 C1 Tim. 6:3; Rom. 16:17; 2 Cor. 11:4; Gal. l:6f. 4 !Or, occupy themselves with 2Lit., the administration of God which , al Tim. 4:7; Tim. 4:4; 5 ’ L i t commandment al Tim. 1:18 b2 Tim. 2:22 C1 Pet. 3:16, 21; 1 Tim. 1:19; 3:9; 2 Tim. 1:3 d2 Tim. 1:5 6 aTitus 1:10 7 aJames 3:1 bLuke 2:46 8 aRom. 7:12,16 9 aGal. 5:23 bTitus 1:6,10 '1 Pet.4:18; Jude 15 dl Tim. 4:7; 6:20; 2 Tim. 2:16; Heb. 12:16 10 ’ Lit., for 2Or, fornicators al Cor. 6:9 bLcv. 18:22 cEx. 21:16; Rev. 18:13 dRev. 21:8, 27; 22:15 «Matt. 5:33; 23:16 f2 Tim. 4:3; Titus 1:9; 2:1; 1 Tim. 4:6; 6:3; 2 Tim. 1:13; Tihic i n-


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There is a great danger in mere words without a consistent prac­ tice of Christian principles in our lives. After all, faith is more a way of walking than it is a way of talk­ ing. What can we do about apos­ tasy today? Paul suggests to Tim­ othy, "If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained" (I Timothy 4:6). As believers all of us should be good communicators and teachers, being apt examples for the faith. We do not need to depend on a series of pious platitudes or moral cliches. We have the authority of the ever-living Word. Verse seven goes on to tell us to refuse pro­ fane and old wives fables. What is referred to here is not fictitious fables but rather word of mouth conversation, or what we might re­ fer to as "small talk." It all lacks solid verification and substance. The C reek word translated "fables" is just the contrary to the solid, verifiable information that one may find available. Much of life is taken up with wasted "chit­ chat" when there are so many oth­ er worthwhile things which should be discussed. Our lives should nev­ er be relegated to common, ordin­ ary purposes of the world. To use that which is holy and spiritually significant in the sight of Cod for a base purpose is an utter waste in His sight. We might capsulize verse seven by saying, "Avoid the touch of man when you have before you the touch of Cod." We cannot use mere small talk to solve some of the serious problems we face to­

day. Old wives tales are grossly inadequate for the need. Man's best is no match for Satan's attack. We are rather to be exercised un­ to godliness. What a contrast this presents. In verse eight the picture con­ tinues, "For bodily exercise profit- eth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." This verse has often been misapplied by those who do not happen to be inter­ ested in athletics. The contrast is not necessarily between athletic events and non-athletic events. It is rather between the material and the spiritual. The word "exercise" comes from the Greek which means to be stripped down for the contest. In many of the ancient sports clashes some of the contestants went into competition with no clothes on at all. This was an effort to be free from every weight and encum­ brance possible. Paul urges Timothy, as well as us, not to use the things of this world but to strip down to the basic elements of godly living. This is reminiscent to the Apostle's ref­ erence to the church at Corinth when they were told of their world­ liness and carnality. They were rather to be spiritual Christians. Verses seven and eight empha­ size the benefits of a true godly life. This will stem the tide of our problems in life, and as we see apostasy on the increase. Godly living has merit not only for all eternity but also now as we be­ come vital witnesses for Him. So, when you run into the prob­ lem of individuals who are under­ cutting the very values presented

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in the Word of Cod, when you see inroads toward apostasy and hy­ pocrisy, do not rely on the normal or the common, standard answer. Our only hope is in godly living, filled with the Holy Spirit as we are guided more fully in our com­ mitment to Christ. How wonderful the Holy Spirit's provision for our lives amid a world of apostasy and unbelief. We have the eternal Word of Cod as our anchor and firm foundation. As an encouragement to Timothy, as well as to us, Paul writes, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity" (I Timothy 4:12). Everyone of us, who has ac­ cepted Jesus Christ as Saviour, is to be an example. We are to show forth all the qualities of Christian grace exhorted in Scripture. Can others see things in our daily lives which would mirror the Saviour for them? The challenge certainly is not just to young people. In the Creek, the word "ex­ ample" could also be translated "pattern" or even "image." If we want a final product to look like the original it will be necessary to trace it very carefully. If we do not adhere to this practice the end re­ sult will be a compounding of our errors. Many times a Christian lives a rather poor life, satisfying him­ self with the thought that he is at least a little better than some others he has known. Just then someone else may be falsely imitating him rather than Christ. There is then a fatal chain reaction of error. People are soon led astray into unbelief and rejection. Timothy was not being urged to be the focal point for all Christians. He was simply to

point the way as to how men could live in assurance and victory. They were not just to follow him, but to follow his example of being like Christ. As then, so also now, we are all influenced by others. Outstanding athletes are used on television to tout different commercial products. Young and old alike are urged to follow their example. This has some definite negative features to it! If we would affect others for Christ we must give careful dili­ gence to how we live our lives. We cannot follow people as such, but we can emulate their efforts to live godly lives. Only in this manner can the tide of apostasy be turned. The areas of need for being an example was in word, conduct, love, spirit, faith and purity. To­ day, perhaps more than ever be­ fore, we need some solid souls who will have a positive testimony as did Timothy in that day. The first suggestion for a proper witness is "in word." The term se­ lected in the original embraces not only the utterances but also the thoughts that prompt any verbal message. We, too, need to be told very positively, "guard your lan­ guage." It is so easy to be hypo- crital. Let your words spring from the heart, guided by the Holy Spirit. Of all the pollution we find in the world today, none is so devastating as being impure in one's thought life. Next is conversation , which means far more than a dialogue with someone. It represents our total behavior or conduct of life. A minister can be a very fine pulpit orator, but if at home he lives in a manner unbecoming a believer in Page 25

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