in heaven as well as also on earth. Certainly, in our resurrection bodies, we will be able to go into any of these spheres. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Where did the devil come from, and when will the devil be destroyed?" A. Isaiah 14 gives us the origin of Satan, known as Lucifer. No one knows when he was created or just what the circumstances were before his fall. He was doubtless one of the highest of God's crea tions, but decided that he wanted a place of prominence even high er, against the will of God. This caused the great rebellion in heav en. You see, heaven is an absolute monarchy. There cannot be two rulers. For this reason he had to be cast out. His final consignment to hell is spoken of in Revelation chapter 20. He is first bound and cast into the bottomless pit for the one thousand years of our Lord's reign on earth. After he is loosed for a short season he will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, tormented day and night forever and ever (vs. 10). This is his final destruction. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "Why are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John referred to as the four 'gospels'?" A. The word "gospel" comes from two Greek words which mean "good news." Very simply, these four books uniquely tell the su preme good news of all the uni verse. The Old Testament leads up to the message of Christ's birth, earthly ministry, death, bur ial and resurrection. There is no Page 13
is Israel, Christ's natural brethren, descended from Abraham. There are also two senses to the word "brethren." One is national and the other is spiritual (Hebrews 2:11, 12). Here it has reference to the natural. It is incorrect, then, to say that every person is a brother of Jesus Christ. These of Israel are natural brethren of Christ who will be going through the Tribulation period, and who will certainly need the comforts mentioned in this passage. Q. Los Angeles, Calif. "How long were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?" A. No one really knows. Scripture does not give us any clear indica tion. Time, before man's fall, was not important. It was just a glori ous experience worshipping the Creator. We will have to wait until we see the Lord to get the com plete answer to this and other questions to which the Bible does not give us specific information. Q. Victoria, B. C. "Where will the saints live and minister during the Millennium? I think I read in Eze kiel that there will be two spheres during this time, one heavenly and the other one earthly." A. You are correct in your analysis. There are two types of saints. One group, Israel, are the elect for earth (Deuteronomy 14:1, 2). The other are New Testament saints whose destination is heaven. They both will meet during the Milen- nium (Revelation 21) where the New Jerusalem is suspended be tween heaven and earth. Old Tes tament saints will live on earth while New Testament saints will be
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