Biola Broadcaster - 1973-03

place. As the Lord showed His love for us, so we need to make certain that we are expressing through our words and actions that we have real love in our hearts for others. Love is always a "two-way" street. In the question we have been considering we would ask if the wife has been expressing her ap­ preciation to the husband. Does she delight in the fact that he helps with the children as well as with the housework? Does she express to him that she loves him? Some­ times we can convey our love to the other individual by such simple things as being a good and ready listener. As an example, some men will compain, "I used to tell my wife everything, but I gave up be­ cause she wasn't really interested. I didn't seem to be getting through." We can communicate love by giv­ ing full and undivided attention to others whether children, friends or spouses. Do not always be think­ ing about what you can say as soon as the other person stops talking. When such a practice is followed, disaster can come to a marriage. Most deep-routed problems begin with little things until, as they build up, a tremendous distance between the couples soon evolves. Remember, good Christian homes do not just happen. They are the product of the work and involvement of each one, cooper­ ating together. Marriage is more than a 50-50 proposition. It is the 100% involvement and coopera­ tion of both husband and wife, guided by the Holy Spirit in every area of participation.

A. Of course, in good communica­ tion, a wife will have the freedom, through a proper relationship, to verbalize her need of actually hear­ ing the words tenderly and gen­ uinely expressed, "I love you." Perhaps she needs to feel his touch, saying, "I need to have you hold my hand when we walk," or "I need to feel your arm around me when we are sitting in church," or whatever the situation. Some current research going on now is trying to bring couples to­ gether who have had problems in these areas and are just getting them to touch one another. Some­ times we can communicate love in this manner without even saying so many words. It is even easier for some people. Parents will do things for their children, buying them all sorts of objects, seeking to express their love through pur­ chases. Many of these young peo­ ple will say that is not what they have wanted. The most important thing is to have their father or mother tell them of their love for them. It might be demonstrated more forcefully by giving them a hug. (Of course, there are certain times in a teenager's life when he does not want to be touched at all.) Many young married couples have expressed that one of the things they would like to do the most is to go home with the free­ dom to put their arms around their parents. Sometimes they feel blocked and reticent because of the background of problems which have built up over the years. It is interesting to study the life of Christ and notice the many times that the Saviour touched people in His ministry, realizing the tre­ mendous effect which always took

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