Biola Broadcaster - 1973-03


Dr. Charles L. Feinberg

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland

Dr. J. Richard Chase


ruled out of man's thinking, very dire results will follow. This pas­ sage is very broad and would appropriately urge us to give of our means, including time, talents, and tithe, expressed in love, to share the blessings of the Lord. It is the same as the suggestion shown in our Lord's parable of the sower. We never know how, who and when people will respond. The principle which is given therefore really deals then with man in gen­ eral Q. Lomita, Calif. "Is there any spe­ cific Scriptural evidence to indicate that if a person commits suicide he is eternally lost?" A. No, the Bible does not give any direct evidence of this at all. It is

Q. Yakima, Wash. " Would you please explain the phrase from Ecclesiastes 11:1, 'Cast thy bread upon the waters, and thou shall find it after many days.' Does it refer to the Israelites, or to whom?" A. Like so many portions of Scrip­ ture, such as certain chapters of Psalms and Proverbs, we are given what are known as both timely as well as timeless truths. These state­ ments are not bound by chronolo­ gy or dispensational interpretation. While Ecclesiastes was given to Israel through Solomon by the Holy Spirit, it not only applies to them but to us as well. The things which are given are applicable to any man who reasons things on the earth without particularly the added rev­ elation from above. When Cod is

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