Miriam and Dror Zadok

Israel they both cherished. Central to Miriam and Dror’s upbringing was the principle of tzedakah , instilled in them from a young age despite their modest means. Miriam fondly recalled her parents’ involvement in organizations like Hadassah and B’nai B’rith, while Dror remembered the iconic Jewish National Fund blue box that was displayed in their home. From these humble beginnings emerged a steadfast dedication to giving back, exemplified by their commitment to tithing—a practice they carried with them throughout their lives, ensuring that generosity remained at the core of their existence. Their journey took a new turn in 1979 when Miriam and Dror ventured into entrepreneurship, launching their own business selling items at a local flea market. Through perseverance and hard work, they transformed this venture into a thriving enterprise, eventually diversifying into the perfume industry and real estate. Yet, amidst their professional success, their commitment to serving their community never wavered. Throughout the 1980s and ‘90s, Miriam and Dror emerged as leaders in the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, channeling their resources and influence toward addressing the needs of their community. Dror’s involvement in the Allocations Committee brought to light the stark realities faced by many in the Jewish community, inspiring them to do more despite the challenges. Miriam’s philanthropic journey reached new heights in the 1980s when she began making Lion of Judah-level gifts to

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