Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

demographics help connect people and build relationships.

Uses Appreciative Inquiry to build shared experience and understanding. Variety of perspectives emerge from the Community Capitals framework. Solutions are multi-level, innovative, and build on existing potential

Reflection questions about the case study helps elevate different perspectives and recognize resources each person or organization can bring to addressing the problem/issue. Builds understanding of community resources, develops relationships, and prepares participants for afternoon activities. Sharing increases awareness of learning and resources across all attendees. Survey provides evidence of where people are at the midway point

11:20-11:45 am Report out from groups

Adult Learning Principles in Action - Shared experiences

Appreciative Inquiry

11:45-noon mid-session survey & introduction to afternoon activities

Adult Learning Principles in action – Allow participants to think about what they are gaining during the forum.

Afternoon Session Noon – 12:45 pm break/ lunch - in person, have an area for resource sharing/ displays, etc. 12:45 -12:50 pm Set up for afternoon activities - individuals choose and move to the table of their choice for afternoon work; each group addresses a different sub-topic of the issue.

Resource sharing, networking, and sustenance. •

Adult Learning Principles in action – Peer Learning

Sub-topics are identified based on research and issue framing. Participants choose which topic they would like to work on. Use of Strategic Doing™ uses appreciative inquiry and processes that help focus action responses based on priority and available resources. Introduce the science and process of Strategic Doing™

Adult Learning Principles in action • Linking the content to prior experiences. Relationships between and among people.

12:55- 1:05 pm Strategic Doing™ explanation of the process, outcomes, and expectations of time together.

Adult Learning Principles in action - Letting learners work together to experiment and solve problems with content.

Appreciative Inquiry

1:05- 2:40 pm Strategic Doing™ breakout groups work.

Groups are guided through the Strategic Doing™ process by using worksheets, facilitated discussion, note taking, and assignments for the next 30, 60 and 90 days.

Adult Learning Principles in action - Learning From Each Other

Relationships between and among people


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