Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

2.Case Studies Connect Participants to Each Other and the Personal Side of Issues

Delaware and Maryland NTAE 2021 Online Forum

A case study is an in-depth examination of a subject. For the forum, case studies are used to illustrate realistic characteristics of the people where they live and bring out the human aspect of the issue you are addressing. The goal for using case studies as part of the forum is to represent a variety of scenarios that capture diversity and complexity. Using case studies establishes a common understanding of the issue you are addressing. As part of the forum agenda, this activity builds a shared understanding across Community Capitals participants, creates dialogue about scenarios realistic to your geography, and identifies cross sector resources to help the case study characters prevent or resolve the difficult challenges they have encountered. We used case studies with a recommended number of five to seven individuals in small groups. The groups are deliberately mixed with members from different Community Capitals sectors. The group introduces themselves and then reads, considers, and reacts to the fictionalized yet realistic stories about people where they live. Facilitators keep conversations focused and deliberate by guiding discussions to answer three primary questions in response to the story. Notes are taken (by the facilitator or other designated individual) to collect the participant’s main ideas. The activity is broken down into 15 -minute segments and ends with a two-minute report-out from each group. This report includes a summary of the story and the results of the discussion. What you’ll n eed : Five to six case studies highlighting different types of impacts on individuals, families or communities, case study reflection questions, intentional small groups of five to seven people who have been assigned to ensure participants from different Community Capitals sectors are seated at the same table (if in a virtual environment, then you would use breakout groups assigned to different "rooms"), small group facilitators, tools for note taking, and a timekeeper.

Timeframe: 1-1.5 hours


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