Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

Our Story — Stor ies Connect People

The issue focus of our forum included the relations between farm stressors; managing well-being; and building farm, farm family, and community resilience. Our case studies highlighted typical situations that farms, farm families, and communities faced. We tried to provide details that highlighted the stressors but also showed how resourceful and resilient farm operators and their families are. And we hinted at gaps that could be addressed collaboratively by communities. We purposely assigned people from different Community Capitals sectors to each breakout group to ensure that different perspectives could be shared. This allowed people to learn from each other as they discussed the case study stories. The questions we posed for discussion encouraged participants to think about the case study situation in a way that would encourage their own learning as well as the identification of resources they, or their organization, might bring to create stronger farms and communities. The case study activity primed participants for the Strategic Doing™ activity that followed. As participants were able to see how they could work with other community members and organizations, they could reimagine how working together they could collaboratively make a difference in the lives of farms, farm families, and their communities.


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