Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

- an indicator that the forum affected their self-rating. From: Pippidis, M. (2021, August). Strengthening health, resilience and farm vitality through online forums. New Technologies in Agriculture. 4th quarter and final report.

For the 2018-19 forums, we conducted surveys to determine on-going actions and longer-term outcomes. We collected data on what the strategic action teams chose to do, what they did, and additional ripple effects. We chose to measure what is known as “ripple effects” because we learned that end -of-forum and short- term data collection doesn’t capture changes over time that emerge from forums and other community engagement work. As Extension educators, we dedicate our time and energies to making change. Monitoring change over time motivates us and helps to show the relevance of Extension within the community and the importance of our work to our supervisors. Additionally, ripple effects from the two forum initiatives occurred both in the short and long term.

As you can see in Figure 10 what was begun in 2018 continues to produce ripple effects 3 years later. Figure 11 shows 3-month post-survey results of the 2021 online forum.

Figure 10 - After the forum: Ripple Effects - 2019

From: Pippidis, M. (2021, August). Strengthening health, resilience, and farm vitality through online forums. New Technologies in Agriculture. 4th quarter and final report.


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