Engaging Communities Through Issues Forums

3.Community Issue Forum Examples

In Kansas, 4-H members learned how to communicate about public matters and led a groundbreaking approach to the Kansas State Extension 4- H “Citizenship in Action” annual conference at their state capital. 4-H facilitators led the event using National Issues Forums methods. Listen to a 30-minute November 2, 2020, podcast of Jaryth Barten conducted by Jeff Wichman on the 4-H segment of Agriculture Today. https://www.ksre.k-state.edu/news/stories/2020/11/4h-stories-matter-and-civic-discourse.html

4.Resources for Farm and Farm Fami ly Resi l ience

Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience in Our Communities: A Guide for Extension Professionals to Engage Strategically

In 2021, as part of the New Technologies in Agriculture Education grant, an ePublication was released to help Extension Educators build resilience. This publication provides background information about the socio- ecological model as it relates to building farm, farm family, and community resilience. Questions this publication answers include:  Chapter 1: Why use a farm and farm family risk and resilience framework?  Chapter 2: What outcomes could be achieved using a socio-ecological risk and resilience framework?  Chapter 3: How can Extension and other professionals apply research and theories and incorporate existing resources into programming? -Tools You Can Use  Chapter 4: Where Do I Start?

The case for involvement of communities through forums is also included in the publication. The guide is available here.


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