6 R1.4bn Upgrade Project Kicks Off at Paarl Wastewater Treatment Works Drakenstein Municipality’s new R1.4bn BFI project will help the Municipality to ensure the suitable treatment of wastewater and assist in preserving the Berg River, a vital source of life in the area. 10 Drakenstein: A Thriving Investment Hub The spurt of growth and development in Drakenstein has been made possible through the Municipality’s earlier bold step to take up substantial external loans to invest in bulk infrastructure. 24 Iziqhushumbisi Zisavaliwe eDrakenstein
REGULARS 4 Editor's Letter “Drakenstein, let us all stand together and soldier on in the fight against GBV. Let us not be silent when we have the power to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves," says Executive Mayor Conrad Poole. 32 Amalungu eKomiti YeWadi 9 Anenkathalo, Anemfesane Kwaye Asendleleni! Table of Contents
14 ‘Keeping Women and Children Safe Should Come Naturally’ – Executive Mayor Collaborating with various stakeholders, the Municipality continues to organise awareness- raising campaigns, programmes, and motivational talks to empower victims of abuse to speak up.
VARS | November
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