King's Business - 1969-07/08

*a message from the editor *

Pres. Biola Schools and Colleges, Inc. A Five Hundred Million Dollar Blackmail

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T he A merican public woke one morning to discover that a new militant black power organization is demanding five hundred million dollars in “ reparations” for Negroes from white churches and synogogues. This item appeared in the May 2, 1969 edition of the Los Angeles Times. According to the news item, “ the demand included a call to Negroes to seize all religious agen­ cies and hold them in trusteeship until the money is paid. Sit-ins at selected but unspecified Negro and white churches also were ordered.” That five hundred million dollars is only a beginning of the demands of this black organization is quite evident because the manifesto stated, “ Fifteen dollars for every black brother and sister in the United States is only a beginning of the reparations due us as people who have been exploited and degraded, brutalized, killed and persecuted.” One wonders just what our white modernistic ministers who have been so strong for civil rights movements are thinking about now, as they have been witnessing the whole civil rights movement burgeoning into fantastic and utterly absurd extremes in every direction. It is readily recognized, o f course, that the plight of the black man in many instances has been most miserable indeed. But it is equally true that the plight o f many, many white people is also miserable. It is quite true that many black people have not had a fair chance, but this is equally true o f just as many white people as well. It is readily granted that conditions in our beloved land today are far from what they ought to be. There are injustice, inequality, and racial hatred evidenced in many areas of our land, and among too much of our population. However, it is becoming more and more apparent among the saner elements among blacks and whites that there is no easy, simple solution to this terrifically complex situation. Certainly the black militant minority are doing nothing to further the cause of the black segment of our popu­ lation. Well-meaning, but evidently misguided, white administra­ tors have leaned over backward in their endeavor to integrate the black college age young people into the colleges and universities across the land. But evidently these blacks are not yet ready for integration. Instead o f being willing to earn their way into the respect of the educational community, they have taken everything that has been handed them. Without even a word o f thanks, they are now demanding more and yet more for themselves. For example, two days after several hundred black college young people were admitted to the San Fernando State College in Cali-


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O l .P. CO. - 1969



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