King's Business - 1969-07/08

SPECIAL NOTICE FOR JULY/AUGUST KB Beginning with the September issue, THE KING’S B US I NE SS Magazine will carry a six-month ex­ panded feature in Cults Critique. Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor of Biola Schools and Colleges, has pre­ pared a series of books on the six major cults. Mrs. Betty Bruechert has condensed these works which will appear in six consecutive is­ sues. KB readers are encouraged to order extra copies and to send gift subscriptions to friends and loved ones. Send your inquiries to THE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Magazine, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90638. Copies are available at 300 each, or 10 for $1.50.

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THE KING’S BUSINESS Please send me 12 issues of The King’s Business for $3 beginning at once.

Bibles and Books

RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT A N D SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kreael's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's larg­ est Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaranteed. Norris Bookbinding Company, Box 305 K, Green­ wood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Mature Christian staff workers needed for large rescue mission. Board, room and compensation. Single or married. Write, P.O. Box 202, Seattle, Washington 98111. Miscellaneous Witness With Scripture Tracts. 100 assorted—- 25 cents; 500 assorted— $1.00. Scripture Wit­ ness, 102 Sussex St., Newton, New Jersey 07860. Tract Users Know the results of your witness with our tracts. Don't be just a tract passer; join other dedicated Tract Evangelists who are following up tract converts with personal work; How? Write, Tract Evangelists, Box 1106, Glendale, Calif. 91209.

JO IN TH E A.E.C.C. If you have been called to preach an evan­ gelical message, associate yourself with a recognized Church Body which will provide you with all the rights o f the Clergy and at the same time allow you to teach or preach without being restricted by man-made doc­ trines. Send stamp for literature. American Evangelical Christian Churches 192 North Clark St., Chicago, III. *0*01

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