King's Business - 1969-07/08

fomia, they marched upon the administration and presented a number o f demands which could not possibly be complied with without destroying the whole program o f the college. Fifteen thousand young people were handicapped in their educational pro­ gram by these black militants. The modernistic do-gooder minis­ ters who marched in civil rights demonstrations and very piously proclaimed from their pulpits the need to accept the demands of the blacks, surely must have red faces about now. These militants began by destroying the cities, especially the communities in which they themselves were living. Then they proceeded to destroy quite effectively the educational processes in a number o f the outstand­ ing colleges and universities throughout our land. Now they are beginning to demand a pay-off from the churches. Sunday, May 4, was scheduled for the beginning of the “ seizures and sit-ins” which were to remain in effect until their demands had been granted. These militant leaders are void of reason. Even their demands are totally unreasonable, and they are divided among themselves as to what they actually want. The only thing on which they are united is the effort to destroy the “white establishment.” A few years ago when this black racist movement first started, there were those who sounded out a cry of alarm. But they were hooted down in a wave of white sympathy that was extended to­ ward the blacks. Now more and more people are beginning to realize that these cries o f alarm were far more significant than they were originally thought to be. The chaos caused by the black militants could well nigh overwhelm many sections of the country. This new black organization has already confronted two bishops of the Episcopal Church in the New York area. It is too early, of course, to know what the attitude will be o f denominational lead­ ers who are confronted by these black militants, or what the lead­ ership o f the National Council o f Churches will do when faced by these demands. The first indications are, however, that these religious leaders will be inclined to go along with or even yield to these demands o f the black militants, even as did university presi­ dents and administrators in the universities where the black mili­ tants made their demands. It is too much to hope that these reli­ gious leaders will learn any lessons from the experiences of others. As a result, it appears there are some dark days ahead for those churches which are yet unknown where these militants will strike. Without over-simplifying the mess in which we find ourselves, it is pertinent to call attention once again to the fact that blame must be laid in large measure directly at the door o f the Supreme Court whose decisions in recent years have encouraged, aided and abetted all of this wide-spread damage caused by the black mili­ tants. These militants have no program o f their own. Sometimes they demand total integration ; other times, total segregation. They make outrageous demands simply for the purpose o f causing a confrontation which gives them an excuse to destroy. This leads to the subsequent excuse of calling police who move in to do their duty, all kinds o f filthy and obscene names, and shout to high heaven about “ police brutality!” The television and the other news media must assume a great deal of the responsibility for the con­ tinuing unrest which is all about us. It is very gratifying to these black militant egoists to cause a demonstration at noon, then to go home and see themselves on television in the various newscasts o f the evening. Mention should be made about the vast majority o f our black friends and neighbors who are as shocked as the rest of us over the goings-on o f this element. What a wonderful group o f black friends we have in this beloved land, and how their wel­ fare is threatened by such violence! gj] JULY/AUGUST, 1969

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