King's Business - 1969-07/08

Testament prophecy and the proph­ ets. The work is especially helpful on the meaning of the word prophet, the function of the prophet, histori­ cal rise o f prophets, and a knowledge­ able introduction to each prophetical book. He understands crucial ques­ tions and sets forth conservative positions in a careful and lucid way. With each prophet he includes a sec­ tion on key problems, and this is usually well done. For example, he discusses different views and argu­ ments on the virgin birth passage in Isaiah 7:14, whether or not Hosea married a harlot (1 :2 ), and whether Joel refers to a locust plague or an invading army of men (2:1 -11 ). Teacher, pastor, or layman will find this an important work to have and use.— 384 pages; cloth; Moody Press, Chicago; $.75. Reviewed by James E. Rosscup. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) SKYWAVES by Gleason H. Ledyard. 227 pages,- paper; Mody Press, Chicago; 95 t. The incredible are some plain facts:

(on the need for and training of future pastors) ^ T i e Problem . . . dedicated young men are needed to present the claims of Jesus Christ. . . no question about this fact Need . . . there are thousands of empty pulpits, waiting for trained and concerned men . . . a staggering fact ■^"he Preparation . . . acknowledging the need and heeding the “ call” to serve, first means thorough preparation . . . a recognized fact ^ T h e School . . . MBI offers a major* in pastoral studies that will lay the foundation and prepare a young man to face the problem . . . a satisfying fact The Reward . . . a challenging Christian career, fulfilling Christ’s Great Command . . . that’s a fact M O R E F A C T S : * By having 60 hours (two years) of acceptable credit in liberal arts, a young man can qualify for the B.A. degree. These 2 years, plus MBI’s 3 years of professional Bible study are the necessary founda­ tion for the future pastor . . . or for further training at seminary. | P « 9 si ms mm M p ! JV t s u p n mm i i b i Admissions Office Dept. 7K9

story of the Far East Broadcasting Company. The bookis of considerable importance in a number of areas;misionary work, radio broadcasting, miracles, andChristian service. God's initiative in many situa­ tions is a prominent feature of thestory. LITTLE TENY OF NIGER'A by EdnaMenzies. 72 pages,- doth; Baker Bo kHouse, Grand Rapids; St.95. TOME SKINNER; TOP MAN OF THE LORDS AND OTHER STORIES edited by James R. Adair. 84 pages,- cloth; BakerBo k House, Grand Rapids; St.95. Two more in the Valor Series for children. The first is written by a misionary tor the Sudan interior Mission.Thesecond contains fourte n sto­ ries of tenagers who have responded to the cal of Christ for salvation and service. GIFTS FROMTHE BIBLE by En en Reaves Hall. 114 pages; cloth; Harper & Row, NewYork; $4.95. A rather unusual book, taking someof the most common things of the Bible and expanding them in a philosophical, but yet devotional and practical, manner. In effect, each esay becomes a Bible story, but with a diference. The author's imagina­ tion brightens it as she draws practical applications out of it for life today. The book is beautifully done in gift-worthy printing and binding. IS THE U.S.A. IN PROPHECY! by S. Franklin Logs­ don. 64 pages,- paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $.95. A frequent question about which people are concerned is whether or not America is seen in biblical prophecy. The well- known Bible teacher and conference speaker takes a new lookatthissubject with somestriking thoughts and coments which the Bible student will want to research for himself. The material is presented logically and reasonably and will certainly be most thought provoking. RELEVANCE: THE ROLEOF CHRISTIANITY IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY by Richard C. Halverson. 102 pages; cloth; Word Books, Waco, Texas,- $2.95. Certainly the key word in theological circles today is as the title suggests. The author points out that the real test of Christianity's practicality is its abiliy to reconcile man with man and man with God. He points out that the problems exist not because of Christianity, but because of the lack of Christians revealing the accuracy of the Gospel in their own lives. JULY/AUGUST, 1969

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