North County Water & Sports Therapy Center - July 2020

MATCH POINT: STAYING IN THE GAME PART 3 IMPROVE YOUR GAME WITH PILATES “A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion.” –Joseph Pilates

Did you know Andy Murray and Serena Williams practice Pilates? Why is Pilates so good for tennis players?

IT CREATES BALANCE. Pilates is a great way to keep muscles balanced. Due to the nature of the game, people who play tennis are regularly prone to imbalances that can lead to injury, pain, and decreased efficiency. Pilates works the body in all planes and directions, developing balanced strength and flexibility of the muscles and joints.

IT DEVELOPS CORE. A strong, flexible torso is a formidable tool, especially in power-based sports like tennis. Pilates develops your body’s core power, which translates into stronger serves and shots.

IT FOCUSES THE MIND. Pilates involves concentration and focus on each movement, stimulating your mind-body connection. This builds mental stamina and allows you to stay focused during a match.

IT’S LOW-IMPACT. Tennis requires spine rotation and extension and places high-impact and high-speed stress to shoulders, hips, and knees. Working deep stabilizing muscles while moving limbs though a full range of motion in a low-impact manner makes Pilates a perfect cross-training program for tennis players.


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