Styles Angus - 47th Annual Angus Bull & Female Sale [3/3/25]

ANGUS Registered Angus Cattle • 47th Annual Production Sale Monday, March 3, 2025 1:00 p.m. • At The Farm • Brentford, SD 1/2 mile West on Hwy. 20, 1/2 mile South on oiled Co. Road 11


MOTELS - ABERDEEN, SD Comfort Inn, 2923 6th Ave. SE, 605-226-0097. Super 8 Motel, 2405 6th Ave. SE, 605-229-5005. Holiday Inn Express, 3310 7th Ave SE, (605) 725-4000. TRANSPORTATION Aberdeen Regional Airport served by Delta Airlines. HEALTH

SELLING 87 LOTS 58 Yearling Bulls 23 Yearling Heifers

LUNCH A complimentary Angus beef lunch will be served by your hosts starting at 11:30 a.m. on sale day. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVES Jeff Kapperman, Tri State Neighbor // 605-363-3302 Bill Schermer, The Stockman // 641-425-2641 Chris Effling, Special Assignment // 605-769-0142 Mike Sorenson, Special Assignment // 641-743-2991 Donnie Leddy, Cattle Business Weekly // 605-695-0113 Andrew Swanson, American Angus Assoc // 507-829-4133 Garth Waletich, Special Assignment // 605-290-3546 Justin Dickoff, DV Auction // 605-290-0635 SALE DAY PHONES: 605-887-7000 • 605-887-3281 • 605-290-3324 If You Haul Sale Week — $100 Off Bulls, $25 Off Females BULLS SEMEN TESTED Scrotal Measurements and Bull semen tested AUCTIONEER: SETH WEISHAAR // 605-892-2640 OR 605-210-1124 SALES CONSULTANT Vern Frey // 701-721-0344 SALES CONSULTANT Cory Thompsen // 605-730-2397 STORM DATE In case of bad weather, listen to the following radio stations:

All cattle will be accompanied by proper health certificates for shipment. The bulls are poured with Ivomec, vaccinated with Virashield 6 + VL5-HB, foot rot and Mycoplasma/pinkeye at semen evaluation. The heifers are calfhood bangs vaccinated and received their first Vista 3 VL5 and Mycoplasma/Pinkeye vaccination and pelvic measuring. All calves are vaccinated each fall for IBR, BVD, PI3, BRSV, Mycoplasma, 7-way with Histophilus and poured with Ivomec. The cow herd is annually vaccinated with Vira Shield 6 + VL5 HB, Guardian, Vit ADE, and poured with Ivomec. RECESSIVE TRAITS, JOHNE’S & BVD Herd is negative in the voluntary USDA Johne’s Program at a Level 2. All lots sold have been ear notch tested negative for PI BVD. All cattle will be tested for recessive traits. TERMS & CONDITIONS All cattle sell according to the terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. Any death or injury after the animal is sold is at the buyer’s risk. First Breeding Season Guarantee: All bulls selling for $3,500 or more are guaranteed for the first breeding season. A breeding season is defined by a 90 day period from turn out. If a replacement bull is available, he will be provided or if buyer prefers, credit toward one bull will be given in the following sale, less salvage value of injured bull. A veterinarian must diagnose all injured bulls. Please notify us as soon as possible should injury occur and prior to the injured bull being sold for salvage. ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE BY SEPTEMBER 1ST, 2025. TRUCKING We encourage delivery as soon as possible. FREE DELIVERY for the first 200 miles and actual cost for the rest of the trip. INSURANCE Livestock Insurance will be available Sale Day and must be paid for that day. LIABILITY All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise, for their safety or the behavior of the animals. ANNOUNCEMENTS All announcements from the block will take precedence over the catalog. SEMEN INTERESTS Styles Angus will be retaining one-third semen interest in some lots that will be announced sale day. Full possession and full salvage value sells on all bulls unless otherwise announced. VOLUME BULL DISCOUNTS Volume discounts to an individual will be offered starting at 3 bulls = 3% and increasing 1% for each additional bull up to 10 bulls with 10% maximum discount.

KSDN - Aberdeen, SD - 930 AM KOKK - Huron, SD - 1210 AM KDLO - Watertown - 96.9 FM PHONE ORDERS

Buyers unable to attend the sale may call or send their bids to the owners Bob or Chris Styles, the auctioneer, or the field representatives. Bids will be handled as if you were present. It would help if you called several days before the sale. Sale Day Phone (605) 887-7000 Bob Styles (605) 887-3281 Chris Styles (605) 887-3657 Cell (605) 290-3324 Cell (605) 887-7000

PLEASE BRING THIS CATALOG WITH YOU ON SALE DAY! View sale offering on the web at

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