King's Business - 1913-02

A Wonderful Bible for the English Speaking World W IT H MANY N EW AND STR IK ING FEATURES ; THE SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE W ith a N ew S y stem of C onnected T o p ic a l R eferences to all th e G re a te r T h em e s of S c rip tu re , w ith A n n o ta tio n s, R evised M arg in al R end e ring s, Summ aries, D efin ition s an d Index . T O W H IC H A R E A D D E D H e lp s a t H a rd P laces, E x p la n a tio n s of Seem ing D iscrepancies, an d a N ew S y stem of P a ra g ra p h s, w ith Tw e lv e Colored M aps an d In d ex to M aps. T h e Id e a l B ible fo r P a sto rs, S u n d ay School T e a ch e rs an d C h ristian W o rk e rs. T h e Id e a l H om e B ib le : A n sw e rs th e C h ild ren ’s Q uestion s. Edited by Rev. C. L SCOFIELD, D.D. CON SU LT ING ED IT O R S : Rev. Henry G. Weston, D.D., LL.D. Late President Crozer Theological Seminary Rev. James M. Gray, D.D. Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago Rev. William J. Erdman, D.D. Author “The Gospel of John,” etc., etc. Rev. Prof. W. G. Moorehead, D.D. Prof, of Xenia Theological Seminary Rev. Elmore G. Harris, D.D. Late President Toronto Bible Institute Arno C. Gaebelein, Author “Harmony of Prophetic Word” Rev. Arthur T. Pierson, D.D. Author, Editor, Teacher FEATURES OF THE SCOFIELD REFERENCE BIBLE 1. All the great words of Scripture are clearly defined. 2. Chain references, with final summaries, cover all the great topics of Scripture. 3. Every book has an introduction and analysis, thus facilitating book study—the true method of Bible study. 4 . Helps at the hard places. 6. Apparent contradictions reconciled and explained. 6. The types are explained and illustrated by N. T. references. 7. The greater covenants are analyzed and explained. All scriptures gather around these covenants. 8. The prophecies are harmonized, thus becoming self-explanatory. 9. The text is the Authorized, or King James Version, with emendations in the margin where needed. 10. Type: black-faced, imported Clarendon. 11. Paper: the famous Oxford White and India Papers. 12. Binding: eight styles. Prices, $2.00 to $10.00. The Ideal Bible for Pastors, Sunday School Teachers and Christian Workers The Ideal Home Bible: Answers the Children’s Questions. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE SCOFIELD BIBLE Ask for Catalogue giving further particulars as to styles of binding, etc. Address THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Auditorium Building

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