International Travel Claims


Our Wider Offering

Our core offering is supplemented by a broader set of services, enabling us to deliver

These include:

Intelligence We utilise the services of a team of dedicated intelligence analysts conducting claimant profiling and witness tracing services supplementing our investigation work. Investigators Our 5 investigators cover the whole of Great Britain and have a combined >100 years in insurance and legal practice. We have developed close links with international experts to investigate any incident around the world. Counsel Our in house counsel specialise in procedural advocacy, drafting and advice across a wide range of personal injury litigation including catastrophic injury work. Forensic Accountants Our 4 strong team engage in quantum investigations on all type of insurance class matters for insurers in a global array of territories. Costs We have 50+ lawyers who litigate some of the largest and most technically complex legal cost claims and are specialist in cross border works.

the best possible results to clients.


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