Strategic Residential Development Opportunity. Land North of Derby Road, Hilton.
Strategic Residential Development Opportunity Land North of Derby Road, Hilton
Land North of Derby Road, Hilton
Strategic Residential Development Opportunity (Subject to Planning)
Land to the North of Derby Road, Hilton extending to 81.6 acres Popular market location lying on the western edge of Hilton Proposals sought for a Promotion Partner by way of Promotion Agreement or Option
Opportunity On behalf of our Landowner clients, Hawksmoor are instructed to seek a Promotion Partner to promote this strategic residential development opportunity, lying to the western edge of Hilton, South Derbyshire. The Land identified on the plan forms part of a wider landholding that extends to approximately 115 acres. The Land subject to the Promotion extends to 81.6 acres. The northern boundary of the site abuts the A50, the western boundary adjoins Hoon Lane. The southern boundary abuts Derby Road with the eastern boundary adjoining further land outside of the ownership and the access road to the farmhouse and buildings.
Location Plan
Location Hilton is a village that sits within the District of South Derbyshire, towards the South West extent of the County of Derbyshire. Derby City Centre is approximately 9 miles to the East of Hilton via the A516. Burton upon Trent is 7 miles to the South and Stoke on Trent 32 miles to the West. Junction 24 of the M1 is approximately 15 miles to the East via the A50. Hilton village has a population in excess of 8,000 people. It acts as a key service village within South Derbyshire, which falls below Swadlincote and the urban areas adjoining Derby and Burton upon Trent within the settlement hierarchy. The village has seen a significant influx of development over the last 25 years.
The village is served by two primary schools being the Hilton Primary School and the Mease Academy.
Notable employers in the village include Don Amott Leisure Kingdom, Hilton Garage, Alpha Construction, Talbot Turf, two public houses and shops that include Aldi and a small Tesco.
There are two small industrial estates, where the businesses serve Hilton and the wider hinterland.
Trent Barton operates bus services through Hilton every half an hour in each direction on routes to both Derby and Burton upon Trent.
There are two main line railway stations in close proximity – Tutbury to the West (2 miles) and Willington to the East (4 miles). The main line from Derby to Stoke on Trent and Crewe runs south of the village.
The majority of the land falls within Flood Zone 1, with land to the South and East falling in Flood Zone 3, in accordance with the latest Environment Agency flood risk map.
Site Plan
At the time of writing, no further intrusive ground investigation works have been undertaken.
Planning The land is located within the administrative district of South Derbyshire. The adopted planning framework is made up of two documents. These are the Local Plan Part 1 (adopted in 2016) and the Local Plan Part 2 (adopted in 2017). Part 1 addresses more strategic issues for the district and sets the amount of housing and employment development required. Part 2 outlines non-strategic housing allocations and detailed development management policies. South Derbyshire began reviewing its current Local Plans via a ‘Issues and Options’ consultation in October 2022. The purpose of updating the Local Plans is to ensure that the Emerging Local Plan covers all the right issues including housing, jobs, infrastructure, health, climate change and the environment. It is now anticipated that either a refreshed ‘Issues and options’ Local Plan or a Draft Local Plan will be consulted on in the first half of 2024. The land is a natural fit for taking on the growth of Hilton in future years and as a potential site allocation via the Emerging Local Plan. The lack of a land promotion history, in our view, provides a very good opportunity to create a robust vision and planning strategy for the land and to highlight the strong sustainability credentials of both the settlement and the land. Whilst the land does not directly abut the urban edge of Hilton, given that the Flood Zone 3 areas that exist to the West and South of Hilton, it is considered that the land North of Derby Road is the first parcel of land West of Hilton that would be suitable for development that falls outside of Flood Zones 2 and 3.
Viewing Arrangements Viewing by appointment only
Offers If this opportunity is of interest, please in the first instance register your interest with Richard Wain. Further details will then be provided in respect of any offer to be submitted, which will include the following: i. Confirmation that you are content to proceed by way of a Planning Promotion Agreement or Option. ii. Proposed length of agreement terms, clearly indicating extension periods. iii. Promotion/Option Fee payable in consideration of the initial term and extension periods. iv. Level of return required under the Promotion/Option Agreement. v. Confirmation that you are not promoting schemes elsewhere within the South Derbyshire District. vi. An outline strategy of how you propose to promote the site moving forward, in particular your strategy for engagement locally with the Parish Council and the District Council. vii. Details of other sites you are promoting of a similar scale to demonstrate your credentials in the promotion of strategic land to our clients. viii. Necessary Board Approval for any offer to be submitted.
Viewing by appointment only.
Closing date for offers: Thursday 21st December 2023
Contact Information
If you would like to discuss this site in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact Richard Wain at Hawksmoor, Suites 1 & 2 City Point, Swan Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6QZ.
01543 266660 07725 823790
Important Note
Hawksmoor for themselves and for the vendors of properties whose agents they are, give notice that the particulars and information package are set out in general outline and do not constitute or form part of an offer or contract. They are not to be relied upon as statements of representation or fact. All descriptions, dimensions (measured approximately as a guide only), reference to condition and necessary planning permission for use and occupation are giving without responsibility to any intending purchaser. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of them. No person acting on behalf of the vendor or agent has authority to make or give representation or warranty on any property. Please contact Hawksmoor if you require additional information or clarification on any points. Any plans reproduced within these particulars and information pack are not to scale.
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