Contact Information
If you would like to discuss this site in further detail, please do not hesitate to contact Richard Wain at Hawksmoor, Suites 1 & 2 City Point, Swan Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS13 6QZ.
01543 266660 07725 823790
Important Note
Hawksmoor for themselves and for the vendors of properties whose agents they are, give notice that the particulars and information package are set out in general outline and do not constitute or form part of an offer or contract. They are not to be relied upon as statements of representation or fact. All descriptions, dimensions (measured approximately as a guide only), reference to condition and necessary planning permission for use and occupation are giving without responsibility to any intending purchaser. Purchasers must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of them. No person acting on behalf of the vendor or agent has authority to make or give representation or warranty on any property. Please contact Hawksmoor if you require additional information or clarification on any points. Any plans reproduced within these particulars and information pack are not to scale.
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